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Re: [dsdp-pmc] Urgent: Questions for tomorrow's call with SD Times

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"Gaff, Doug" <doug.gaff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

09/21/2006 05:26 PM

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[dsdp-pmc] Urgent:  Questions for tomorrow's call with SD Times

Hi DSDP project leads.  A few of us are meeting with Eddie C from SD Times for an interview tomorrow.
These are some of the questions he is going to ask.  Mark, Martin, and Mika:  can you prepare written answers for each of these?  Shigeki: this is option for you, but if
you’d like me to talk about the NAB project, please provide some information.
Sorry for the last-minute email.
From: Eddie Correia [mailto:ecorreia@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Thursday, September 21, 2006 2:10 PM
Gaff, Doug
Questions for tomorrow's call

Hi Doug:
I thought it might be helpful for you to have the questions in advance of tomorrow’s call.
I don’t make a habit of this, but since another project lead needed them this way, I thought I’d offer you the same.
You and the other project leads have the option of answering the questions via e-mail, but
must be to me NO LATER THAN 12 NOON, FRIDAY, 9/22.
It would be ideal if you could get answers to me today, any time.
The questions are fairly non-technical and hopefully will give you no trouble.
I also would like a photo of each lead, if available.
Questions for each of the subproject leaders:
1- What is the planned date for the next major release of your project? Version number?
The eRCP project plans to have it's 1.0 release today (9/22).
2- What are the most important features to be added in this release?
The important features of this release are that people can now download a GA level Rich Client platform that runs on a variety of devices. The Eclipse and OSGi underpinnings provide all the features of a plug-in architecture, as well as the rich widget based API that enables developers to create powerful user interfaces on devices. This is the next step up from MIDP 2.0 which has limited widget capabilities.
3- What are the major benefits of those features?
Developers can now use their existing experience and knowledge of writing Eclipse plug-ins to write embedded/mobile applications.

4- Will anything be left out of this release, and if so, what?
There are a couple UI implementations still under development. When these are ready, eRCP will be able to claim support for additional platforms (Series 60 and Qte).  

5- When will those left-out features be added?
We are targeting the additional UI implementations to be available next July, but they are on independent schedules so it may be sooner.

6- The tool will run on which major operating systems? (Linux, Windows, MacOS)
eRCP is a runtime platform supporting Windows, Windows Mobile 2003 & 5, and Nokia Series 80.
7-  The tool requires which version of Eclipse?
The 1.0 release of eRCP works best with Eclipse 3.2.
8- The tool plugs into an existing Eclipse install does it install a new distribution?

9- Would you consider the project “mostly framework” or “mostly tool” and why?
eRCP is a runtime framwork for installing and managing Java plugins on devices, allowing them to share a common JVM and utilize common services. This is a big improvement over MIDP, in which only applications in the same "suite" can share common services.

10- What are the purpose and intended user group(s) for your project?

The target audience for eRCP is mostly developers and device manufacturors. These are the people who will recognize the value of using an open platform that enables various applications from different vedors to all run and interact together. End-users will not experience the platform itself as directly as they will the benefits from the the applications that are using it.

11- What other Eclipse projects does EMF have dependencies on?
12- Please provide your full name, title, project and your role in it.
Mark Rogalski, Senior Software Engineer, IBM; DSDP PMC member representing eRCP

Thanks in advance.
Edward J. Correia
Executive Editor, SD Times
Editor, EclipseSource
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BZ Media LLC
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