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RE: [dsdp-pmc] Kushal Munir (IBM) voted as new committer on DSDP-TM

Hi folks,

The election of Kushal Munir as a committer on the TM project is
approved by the PMC.


Doug Gaff
PMC Lead, Device Software Development Platform

-----Original Message-----
From: dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Oberhuber, Martin
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 8:27 AM
To: DSDP PMC list
Cc: Target Management developer discussions
Subject: [dsdp-pmc] Kushal Munir (IBM) voted as new committer on DSDP-TM


thanks for voting Kushal Munir (IBM) as new committer on
the TM project. For the records, here's the voting result:

PMC Votes:
+1 from Mika.
+1 from Shigeki
+1 from Doug Gaff
+1 from Martin Oberhuber

TM Project Committer's votes:
+1 from Martin Oberhuber
+1 from Dave Dykstal
+1 from Dave McKnight
+1 from Uwe Stieber
0  from Michael Scharf

Michael Scharf was on vacation and thus wouldn't be able to
vote before the official 1 week time for voting is over, 
so the PMC agreed to put a 0 for him to speed up the process.

In the unlikely event that Michael would vote -1 before the
1 week period is over, we reserved the right to revoke 
committer status for Kushal and re-start the process.

Martin Oberhuber - WindRiver, Austria
dsdp-pmc mailing list

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