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RE: [dsdp-dd-dev] Remote Debugging commit

Hi Marc,
It actually works quite well. In my debug session I have checked the "stop at main" and got the ouput below in the gdb debug console.
Regarding the -gdb-set and -environment-directory commands, what strategy should we use here?
In my code, I am setting the -environment-directory to the source directories defined in the project,
and if none are found it is set to the project root. Also, I have extended the GUI for CDT debug mi
(the and IMILaunchConfigurationConstants) and included a text field for defining
the sysroot path. Not sure that that is the best place for it though.
=== Console output ===
osgi> Time to load bundles: 15
Starting application: 11250
Application Started: 30265
740,567 1-interpreter-exec console echo
740,739 1^done
741,707 2-thread-list-ids
741,754 2^done,thread-ids={},number-of-threads="0"
742,645 3-stack-list-frames
742,895 &"No registers.\n"
742,895 &"No registers.\n"
3^error,msg="No registers."
743,332 4-target-select extended-remote
743,379 &"warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.\nGDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers\nand track explicitly loaded dynamic code."
743,379 &"\n"
743,379 5info threads
743,379 &"warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.\nGDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers\nand track explicitly loaded dynamic code."
743,379 &"info threads\n"
743,395 &"Cannot access memory at address 0x0\n"
743,395 ~"* 1 Thread 1578 0x400007c0 in ?? ()\n"
743,395 &"info threads\n"
&"Cannot access memory at address 0x0\n"
~"* 1 Thread 1578 0x400007c0 in ?? ()\n"
743,473 6-break-insert C:\dev\cpp-workspace\testprog\module\module.c:9
743,473 7-break-insert C:\dev\cpp-workspace\wget\src\http.c:149
743,489 &"No source file named C:\dev\cpp-workspace\testprog\module\module.c.\n"

743,489 &"No source file named C:\dev\cpp-workspace\testprog\module\module.c.\n"
    ^--- Due to missing '-environment-directory' command
6^error,msg="No source file named C:\dev\cpp-workspace\testprog\module\module.c."
743,489 &"No source file named C:\dev\cpp-workspace\wget\src\http.c.\n"
743,489 &"No source file named C:\dev\cpp-workspace\wget\src\http.c.\n"
7^error,msg="No source file named C:\dev\cpp-workspace\wget\src\http.c."
743,504 8-break-insert -t main
743,551 8^done,bkpt={number="1",type="breakpoint",disp="del",enabled="y",addr="0x0002da80",func="main",file="main.c",line="698",times="0"}
743,551 9-exec-continue
743,551 9^running
743,910 &"Error while mapping shared library sections:\n"
743,910 &"/lib/ No such file or directory.\n"
    ^--- Due to missing '-gdb-set sysroot' command
743,910 &"Error while mapping shared library sections:\n"
743,910 &"/lib/ No such file or directory.\n"
743,910 &"Error while mapping shared library sections:\n"
743,910 &"/lib/ No such file or directory.\n"
743,910 &"Error while mapping shared library sections:\n"
743,910 &"/lib/ No such file or directory.\n"
743,910 &"Error while mapping shared library sections:\n"
743,910 &"/lib/ No such file or directory.\n"
743,910 &"Error while mapping shared library sections:\n"
743,910 &"/lib/ No such file or directory.\n"
743,942 9*stopped,thread-id="1",frame={addr="0x0002da80",func="main",args=[{name="argc",value="2"},{name="argv",value="0xbeaf1e84"}],file="main.c",line="698"}
744,489 10-thread-list-ids
744,504 &"Error while mapping shared library sections:\n"
&"/lib/ No such file or directory.\n"
&"Error while mapping shared library sections:\n"
&"/lib/ No such file or directory.\n"
&"Error while mapping shared library sections:\n"
&"/lib/ No such file or directory.\n"
&"Error while mapping shared library sections:\n"
&"/lib/ No such file or directory.\n"
&"Error while mapping shared library sections:\n"
&"/lib/ No such file or directory.\n"
&"Error while mapping shared library sections:\n"
&"/lib/ No such file or directory.\n"
746,004 11-stack-list-frames
746,004 -thread-select 1
746,004 13info threads
746,051 12^done,new-thread-id="1",frame={level="0",addr="0x0002da80",func="main",args=[{name="argc",value="2"},{name="argv",value="0xbeaf1e84"}],file="main.c",line="698"}
746,051 11^done,stack=[frame={level="0",addr="0x0002da80",func="main",file="main.c",line="698"}]
746,051 &"info threads\n"
746,051 ~"* 1 Thread 1578 main (argc=2, argv=0xbeaf1e84) at main.c:698\n"
746,067 &"info threads\n"
~"* 1 Thread 1578 main (argc=2, argv=0xbeaf1e84) at main.c:698\n"
789,879 14-stack-list-locals 1
789,879 -stack-select-frame 0
789,895 15^done
789,911 14^done,locals=[{name="url",value="0x40052000"},{name="t",value="0x0"},{name="i",value="1073796660"},{name="ret",value="1073862120"},{name="longindex",value="1167428"},{name="nurl",value="1"},{name="status",value="1"},{name="append_to_log",value="false"}]
835,630 16-exec-continue
835,630 16^running
835,739 16*stopped,reason="exited",exit-code="01"
835,739 17-data-evaluate-_expression_ $_exitcode
835,739 16*stopped,reason="exited",exit-code="01"

From: dsdp-dd-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-dd-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Marc Khouzam
Sent: den 12 mars 2008 19:04
To: DD DEV (E-mail)
Subject: [dsdp-dd-dev] Remote Debugging commit

Hello all,
I have finally committed the first changes to support a Remote Debugging session with DSF.
I have tested it on linux (host and target).  Some cleanup is still needed, but I was able to do
a full debug session.
To use it, create a new launch from the
Remote C/C++ Application  (Experimental - DSF)
Tobias, maybe you can try it on Windows?  Note that I didn't use
-gdb-set sysroot
since I didn't need them on Linux.  Once you try it on Windows, I can add whatever is necessary.


Marc Khouzam
Software Designer, Methods and Tools


Ericsson Canada Inc

8500 Decarie Blvd.
H4P 2N2, Mont-Royal, Qc, Canada

Office: +514 345 7900 x42350
Fax: +514 345 6159
Mobile: +514 951 7191
Email: Marc.Khouzam@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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