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[dirigible-dev] MoM: 2018-06-15


Participants Dragomir, Yordan, Nedelcho, Ismail

New features update

·         Zeus adapted to v3.x -

·         Adaptations of v3 for PostgreSQL -

·         Keycloak integration -

·         Mobile applications adapted for v3 and Tabris.js 2.x -

·         Perspective properties introduced in the Entity Modeler

·         Copy/Paste support for Entity and Schema Modelers

·         Video for Debugging feature -

·         New Tutorial - Zeus on Kubernetes -

·         New Tutorial - Helium Custom Stack -


·         Travis automatic build is back

·         Minor fixes


·         jPrime Conference gave us an invaluable experience. We met great people interested in technologies related to Java, Kubernetes, Docker, and ... even Eclipse Dirigible in particular!

·         Create Type B CQs for 3.3 for the Type A in 3.2

·         Participation at EclipseCon EU

o    Zeus on Kubernetes

o    Helium Custom Stack

o    Modelling in the Cloud

o    Self-extending Eclipse Dirigible WebIDE

o    V8 powers Eclipse Dirigible

o    Business Processes for the Cloud in the Cloud

o    Boost DevOps on Jakarta EE with Eclipse Dirigible

·         Keycloak HTTPS enablement issues


·         3.2.2 (current) -


·         Release of 3.3 as Type B

·         Participation at EclipseCon EU


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