Excellent – it’s good to see work starting on EE 11 already! Yes, definitely go ahead and open a pull for your updates to add @Lock
cu-dev <cu-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Arjan Tijms <arjan.tijms@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 4:49 PM
To: cu developer discussions <cu-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [cu-dev] Draft release plan for Concurrency 3.1 for EE 11
Hi, The plan looks good. I do wonder if we're able to achieve all of that, but of course teams don't have to achieve everything that's in the plan. p. s. I've already
looked at a CDI based @Lock replacement from the plan, and
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The plan looks good. I do wonder if we're able to achieve all of that, but of course teams don't have to achieve everything that's in the plan.
p.s. I've already looked at a CDI based @Lock replacement from the plan, and at the moment the code I have even passed the main EJB Lite test for that feature. I can do a PR to propose that to the API and
to the Eclipse Concurro implementation.
On the Jakarta EE platform calls, they’ve been asking for release plans to be created by all Jakarta EE component specs that will have new releases
in Jakarta EE 11. I noticed that Concurrency didn’t have one, so I created a draft here to get started,
I tried to write some categories there summarizing areas that seem to be the focus of the
open issues list for Concurrency. This can all be changed.
The draft release plan required specifying a release date, which I arbitrarily listed as a date near the end of the planned EE 11 release cycle for
component specs (currently 4Q2023). Steve, please go ahead and switch this to the actual release date that you would like.
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