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Re: [cu-dev] Jakarta EE 10


There are a number of important ideas gathered for Concurrency Utilities in the Ambassadors Jakarta EE 10 contribution guide draft: I believe these ideas are already pretty well vetted. Here they are for reference:

  • Adding CDI friendly equivalents for @Asynchronous, @Schedule and @Lock.

  • Adding a @MaxConcurrency annotation.

  • Adding a @ManagedExecutorServiceDefinition annotation for more portably defining managed executors.

  • Adding support for Java SE completable futures in a managed fashion.

  • Properly propagating the CDI context across managed threads.

If you agree these are important issues, I am happy to help you reflect that in the GitHub issues properly. I do think GitHub issues are the way to move the features forward.

As another thought, Tanja and Ivar have been doing some very nice surveys on the Jakarta social media channels. What do you think of putting out some key questions via that channel? It could help prioritize, generate some excitement and gather contributors.

Lastly, I would love to work with you to figure out the best way to maximize community/end user contribution to help move this work forward. If you could help provide guidance on how to best do that, it would very much be appreciated.

Reza Rahman
Jakarta EE Ambassador, Author, Blogger, Speaker

Please note views expressed here are my own as an individual community member and do not reflect the views of my employer.

On Mar 11, 2021, at 4:46 AM, Steve Millidge (Payara) <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



I want to kick off the process of creating a plan for Concurrency Utilities improvements for Jakarta EE 10? Anybody have a preference of how to gather ideas for EE 10? Currently we have on the project these issues Issues · eclipse-ee4j/concurrency-api ( tagged with milestone 3.0 and we need to triage the rest of the issues.


Is tagging issues for discussion on GitHub the best way to initiate the scope discussion or should I create a google doc?


One other thing I also suggest is lobbying for inclusion of Concurrency Utils in Web Profile. There’s no real reason that it is excluded that I am aware of (not knowing the history). Thoughts on that?


I think there is a target to get plan reviews for Jakarta EE 10 to the platform project and spec committee for mid-April.










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