I notice that the link in jakarta.ee/specifications (on
this page) to the Concurrency TCK zip (and sha and sig
files) doesn't work. Looking to correct this, I see that the link
on the Specifications page (in
GH) directs to jakarta-concurrency-tck-1.1.0
However, in the download folder, there is jakarta-concurrency-tck-1.0.0.zip
and eclipse-concurrency-tck-1.1.0.zip.
(Note the jakarta*tck is 1.0.0 and the eclipse*tck is 1.1.0!) I
looked at the sha256 and they appear to be identical. (I also
downloaded them both and, yes they both yield the correct SHA256).
Is it possible that the TCK and associated files, with 1.0.0 in
their names are just misnamed?
This appears to have become broken when David changed the links
from eclipse-*.zip to jakarta-*.zip (probably presuming that the
files did, in fact exist and were named correctly).
David, Alwin or Guru, can you guys determine how to sort this
out? I am not sure how the files are pushed to the final download
location or if they can easily have their names changed. If they
can just have their names changed (and that is indeed the correct
solution), that might the best fix.
-- Ed