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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Action Required: 3rd party bundles changed in Platform


Thanks for the heads-up.

I am running into an error that sounds related, but I am not sure where to ask for help.
I don’t really understand this and any pointers would be highly appreciated.

Execution default-target-platform of goal org.eclipse.tycho:target-platform-configuration:2.7.3:target-platform failed: The Maven artifact to be added to the target platform is not stored at the required location on disk: required "/XXX/.m2/repository/org/junit/jupiter/junit-jupiter-params/5.8.1/junit-jupiter-params-5.8.1.jar" but was "/XXX/.m2/repository/org/junit/jupiter/junit-jupiter-params/5.8.2/junit-jupiter-params-5.8.2.jar"

Any idea?


Am 19.07.2022 um 14:44 schrieb Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx>:

Hi all,

As Eclipse SDK is moving to use "official" upstream libraries from Maven Central instead of Orbit's ones, some bundles are now using a different Bundle-SymbolicName so you cannot use Platform p2 repo anymore to get those.
This may cause dependency issues in your project, if you have relied on 3rd-party artifacts being provided in the Eclipse Platform p2 repo.


Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE developer, for Red Hat Developers
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