In that case I don't understand why do we need Orbit at all. With
the latest announcements regarding tycho capabilities from Christoph
+ lack of resources to support Orbit in safe form it seems to be
You have hit the nail on the head! Although useless is going a little far. Orbit does not likely have a long term future. However as there are many projects that build from it still we need it. Also there is a problem if multiple projects start contributing the same version of third party lib that will hopefully be solved in the future with PGP signing.
Orbit should not be directly contributing to simrel, but for a variety of reasons it does (see comments in the file)
As mentioned in the Gerrit, passage's p2 repo should be publishing its third party deps and it should be possible for consumers to install passage from passage's p2 repo without requiring an orbit repo be added too.
I know for sure that numerous projects are not quite doing that (again see comments in orbit.aggrcon) but hopefully at some point the temporary contribution of orbit to simrel directly can be removed.
IMHO, people should actively remove
content from Orbit that has CVEs. Much like with any
other project. Even without replacing it with a fixed
version. We will be better with less but trusted
content than questioning ourselves for each artifact.
Agreed. There is usually a clean-up/removal of unneeded stuff.
But the downloads are still available for projects consuming the
>[...] That is definitely
> new, since Orbit was a trusted source of 3rd
party libraries for many
> years.
That's a misconception. Orbit essentially is like
Maven Central. Instead of Maven Artifacts it distributes Eclipse
plug-in artifacts. Maven Central still distributes the
vulnerable Log4j version and ton of other libraries with CVEs.
Does that make it a less trustworthy source now? I don't think
so. Consumers still need to stay on top of those.