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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] RAP Tools disabled because of conflicts with Eclipse Platform 4.20 M1 contribution

On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 10:17 AM Gunnar Wagenknecht <gunnar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Are we inventing another way to avoid adding it to Orbit?

To me Orbit has a strong connection with third-party (aka CQs/IP team involved and etc.) . Also the way the Jetty repo is generated ensures that the OSGi metadata is not touched even a character compared to what Jetty team has deployed to Maven central. That ensures better communication with both upstream (Jetty devs) and downstreams (Fedora devs)  as we are not intervening in the middle.

Mind everyone that Orbit is not about using/enforcing a specific technology. Whatever produces a p2 repo with signed content would work.


Gunnar Wagenknecht

> On Apr 13, 2021, at 09:02, Christoph Läubrich <laeubi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I think Alexander might give some insight if there are other alternatives, but if you are using recent tycho + recent eclipse you can simply copy the "locations" from this file:
> into your target and have the jetty ones available.
> Mickael also has written a tool to create a P2 site that mirrors Maven deps, so if such a thing is available it is just a matter of uploading it to some web-server or reference it via file:/... somewhere.
> Am 13.04.21 um 08:56 schrieb Ed Merks:
>> Markus,
>> Apparently this is not trivial.  It looks like for the following was added during the move to 10.x:
>> That provides a new project:
>> Apparently that helps provide the Jetty dependencies.  It seems to me infeasible though for all the downstream projects that also depend on Jetty to replicate all this infrastructure.  Surely there should just be a Jetty 10.x p2 repository we can all reuse...
>> On a related note, I've tried to get the attention of someone human being on also because of a Jetty problem, but it seems no human being cares to respond.
>> Regards,
>> Ed
>> On 13.04.2021 08:31, Markus Knauer wrote:
>>> I started yesterday to look into this, unfortunately it'll take some time...
>>> We used to consume Jetty from their 9.x p2 repositories, but with 10.x this is not possible any more.
>>> Eclipse Platform Team, how are you consuming the Jetty bundles now?
>>> That'll help us solve it on our side in the same way.
>>> Thanks
>>> Markus
>>> On Fri, 9 Apr 2021 at 18:14, Kit Lo <kitlo@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:kitlo@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>>    During Eclipse Platform 4.20 M1 contribution, we noticed conflicts
>>>    with RAP Tools and new version of Jetty.
>>>    Requesting RAP Tools development team to take a look and re-enable
>>>    RAP Tools contribution when the problem is resolved.
>>>    Regards,
>>>    Kit Lo
>>>    Eclipse Babel Project Lead
>>>    IBM Eclipse SDK (IES) Technical Lead and Release Manager
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Aleksandar Kurtakov
Red Hat Eclipse Team

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