a view weeks ago. I tried to prepare an updated version for both
projects fixing some minor technical issues with the code
compatibility in Eclipse-2020-09.
Now Ed Merks recognized that the license information in the
feature.xml/features.properties are in a bad shape.
I tried to fix it but - as Ed told me - with no success (Bug
566499). I do not think that I am in a position to fix this
in a way that fulfills all the requirements form the Eclipse
Foundation. The license text was initial created 9 and 10 years
ago and was never changed by anybody.
The initial contribution for mdt-bpmn2 project was form RedHat.
Can some one help me to edit these two files in a way that those
files meet the requirements form the Eclipse foundation?
I already have updated the license.html files to the latest
Version 2.0 of the Eclipse Public License.
And I thought that it should be fine if I add the text version of
this license directly into the features.xml file. (initial the
license text was part of the features.properties file). But as Ed
told me this is not accepted.
Attached in this e-mail I send you the files, so that someone can
take a look into it. Again, if this were a purely technical
problem, I would like to solve it myself. However, as this is a
legal problem, I do not dare to make any further changes here by
Thanks for your help in advance
Best regards
On 01.09.20 23:23, Wayne Beaton wrote:
Right. I forgot about the Eclipse License Feature.
FWIW, I've opened a bug to add this to the Eclipse
Project Handbook.
Should (or do) we have this captured in the simultaneous
release documentation?
in our projects (soa-bpmn, soa-bepl, mdt-bpmn2) the
eclipse license text seems to be outdated (it is
still from the year 2011).
Can someone please point me to a page or another
eclipse project, where I can see the correct Eclipse
license text, so that I can copy the text into my
features.properties and license.html artifacts.
Especially the text for the feature.properties has a
curious formatting. So I am looking for a
features.properties file where I can copy this
formatting to avoid breaking the text formatting at
some line where I should not do so.
we use the eclipse license feature [1] e.g. here in
the egit feature [2].
The version of the license feature is defined in the
target platform we use [3].
In feature.properties we use [4]. If there is a new
version of the license we
update the version of the license feature we include
in the target platform.