I'm late to this but while trying to bring our products up to 2018-09 I
found the removal of "com.ibm.icu.base" disturbing.
The Mail from "Roland" says one should substitute "com.ibm.icu.base"
with "com.ibm.icu" which I think is a bad idea.
The sole reason for "com.ibm.icu.base" was/is that you don't ship a 12MB
jar if you don't need any of the extra functionality "com.ibm.icu" provides.
So far Platform has been doing the work to include both com.ibm.icu and com.ibm.icu.base even though the later was not used by Platform in the last 5+ years. The way icu.base has been produced was a weird build coming from IBM guys working on icu4j which was a really slow and controversial way to do it with orbit recipes. So we stopped doing this time consuming task and moved to plain recipe for com.ibm.icu. There is no com.ibm.icu.base I'm aware of available either at maven central or icu4j projects downloads. With all that said I don't see an issue having com.ibm.icu.base if whoever is interested steps in and do the necessary CQ and orbit work to introduce it at the version of the main com.ibm.icu bundle, for older versions one can always use older Orbit repo.
On 01.08.18 22:01, Nick Boldt wrote:
> Possible impacts:
> org.eclipse.recommenders.injection 2.5.3.v20180609-1554 requires
> com.google.guava 15.0. Unsure if a newer version exists which works w/
> Guava 21..
> Not sure about the com.ibm.icu stuff -- is 62 compatible with 58?
> The rest - the apache felix and ant stuff - should hopefully be fine.
> As to Lucene removals:
> * org.eclipse.recommenders.models 2.5.3 requires lucene.core 3.5
> * o.e.epp.logging.aeri.feature requires lucene.analysis 6.1
> * org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.result (DTP) and
> org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.jpa.feature (WTP) both
> require org.apache.lucene.queryparser 6.1.0.v20161115-1612, which
> doesn't exist in 7.1 (Lucene loves to add and drop bundles will-nilly,
> don't they?)
> So... either those bundles / features need updating to use lucene 7.1+
> or else they'll have to build against old Orbit... and Simrel will end
> up having multiple versions of these IUs peppered in the mix.
> What version of HttpComponents are you thinking would be
> included/dropped? Currently I'm using httpcore 4.4.6 and httpclient
> 4.5.2, but I think I saw a thread about Platform moving to newer
> versions? cc: @Aleksandar Kurtakov <mailto:akurtako@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Nick
> On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 3:10 PM Roland Grunberg <rgrunber@xxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:rgrunber@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I just wanted to give a heads-up that the following bundles (and
> corresponding source bundles) are expected to be removed from the Orbit
> build towards 2018-09, for M3 [1].
> com.ibm.icu 56.1.0, 58.2.0 (use 62.0.0)
> com.ibm.icu.base 56.1.0, 58.2.0 (use com.ibm.icu 62.0.0)
> org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime 1.0.6 (use 1.1.0)
> org.apache.felix.gogo.shell 1.0.0 (use 1.1.0)
> org.apache.felix.scr 2.0.8, 2.0.10, 2.0.12 (use 2.0.14)
> com.google.guava 15.0.0, 18.0.0 (use 21.0.0)
> org.apache.ant 1.9.6, 1.10.3 (use 1.10.5, will be in soon)
> There may be some additional bundles but they would be announced later
> on (possibly older Lucene, tukaani.xz, ASM, HttpComponents).
> If any projects are unable to update for some reason, or there's a good
> reason not to remove one of these that I've missed, It would be good to
> know ahead of time, though there is always the option to reference an
> older build (eg. Photon) that would still contain them as well.
> Thank-you,
> Roland Grunberg
> [1]
> https://wiki.eclipse.org/SimRel/2018-09/Simultaneous_Release_Plan#Schedule
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> Nick Boldt
> Principal Software Engineer, RHCSA
> Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
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