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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] How to provide HDPI icons in your plug-in


> We in Eclipse Platform collect all our icons in the eclipse.image repo
> but I think a shared icon repo would be nice.
> In our repo the folder location is designed to allow "copy and paste"
> the generated icons to our projects, which helps a lot for adapting
> icon changes.

if all shared icons are provided as SVG, you could even compose your own
icon using svg:image/@xlink:href includes.

For example, if the set of shared icons contained a "project" icon and
an "J(ava)" icon overlay, your SVG could reuse those, thereby ensuring
that any changes to the base "project" or "J" icons are immediately
applied to your "Java Project" icon.

This would require that the project reusing the "Project" and "J" icons
would render the SVG itself, however, but maybe the Platform team could
donate the highly useful org.eclipse.images.renderer plugin to CBI? That
way, you could even perform the SVG rendering during your build (rather
than as a cumbersome, manual step).

(FWIW, I would be willing to help polishing the Maven plugin, if you see
value of releasing it through CBI.)

Best wishes,


Codetrails GmbH
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