If the toolbar buttons could resize up to 24 pixels, say, then we probably wouldn't have an issue. We could make them all the same size and leave enough margin for things to look good. Making them smaller than 16 pixels will make them even more useless.
I'm going to try and bring things down to 24 pixel and see what it looks like. Might not be as much of a shock.
BTW, please raise bugs and we can discuss this in bugzilla. Right now we're in CDT component cdt-other, until I find a better home for it.
Thanks for the feedback all. Much appreciated and food for thought.
I think that there's a bug open to make the tool bar button size dynamically, primarily to make them usable on hidpi monitors. Are this and the combo box size issue related?
On 09/12/15 05:04 PM, Doug Schaefer wrote:
Is maybe the first step to make it look and act like everything that's already on the tool bar?
The New Connection is what it would look like and -1 to that.
The issue is that you’re showing 16 pixel high images and text in a combo boxes. You need at least two pixels of margin to make that look good plus the border giving you 22 pixels high, right now there’s 5 pixels of margin height giving us more like 28
pixels. Given that buttons are 32 pixels square, it’s a little unbalanced as it is. But you can’t really have the buttons smaller than the combos. That would look dumb.
Frankly, I like the idea of pushing the metaphors that we use and challenging look and feel assumptions. I actually quite like the look of the Launch Bar. It does, however, stand out like a sore thumb.
You should have heard what the UX designers we were working with though of the current Eclipse look and feel (a bunch of crazy Swedes from Malmo :) ). They insisted that all images should be no smaller than 32 pixel and all icons that you hardly use should
be removed. We’ve already toned down the original design. If you get a chance, take a look at the first BlackBerry Momentics IDE that the launch bar appeared in. When our product manager first showed it at a dev conference, one of the audience members came
up after and gave him a hug thanking him for all the great work we’ve done to make it easier to use. You know you’re doing something right when that happens.
The buttons need to be reactive.
Yup, I there’s a bug open on that already.
On 09/12/15 04:32 PM, Doug Schaefer wrote:
It would be good to show it off and maybe it¹ll
spark in someone a way to make it not look like crap.
Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
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