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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Heads up: Platform will be "coming in hot" with M6 changes for "Mac App" layout

Yes, this certainly affects the EPP packages and I welcome this change!

EPP is using Tycho 0.23.0-SNAPSHOT for quite a while in the Mars builds, so no change required on that part. We'll see if we need to do something in other areas, but my current understanding is that it will be more or less transparent to the build that we are running in EPP. As soon as first results are available from the Simultaneous Release repository, we'll try, test, and see if this is true, but I'm very optimistic.


On 11 March 2015 at 08:48, Christian Campo <christian.campo@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
And that also effects all EPP packages which are also built in the new „Mac App layout" in their Mac edition ?

Von: "David com>" <david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx>
Antworten an: Cross issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Datum: Mittwoch, 11. März 2015 16:15
An: Cross issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "General development mailing list of the Eclipse project." <eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Betreff: [cross-project-issues-dev] Heads up: Platform will be "coming in hot" with M6 changes for "Mac App" layout

Extended team,

I wanted to make everyone aware of our latest Platform plans for M6 ... especially since it has the potential to effect "downstream" consumers and contributions to Mars Sim. Release.  If anyone sees any "blocking" aspects to this plan, let us know.

In short, we will aggressively be trying to get changes needed to build our "Mac Product" in a relatively standard "Mac App layout". See

Bug 431116 - Releases for Mac OS X should be bundled as a proper "Mac App" and/or "Library"

We felt it important to make the move by M6, to be sure problems/issues can be found, and fixed, by M7 ... otherwise, we face a greater risk making changes during RCs, or, worse, not having it well tested by anyone or no time to make important fixes.

Some issues are listed below ... may be others?

- To do this, we will soon have to move to Tycho 0.23.0-SNAPSHOT.
-- always risky to do a milestone with a "SNAPSHOT", but ... we think worth it in this case. (And we'll ask Tycho team to be "extra careful" :)
-- so far, we can not quite get our "production build" to work with it ... but, suspect we can soon.
-- For an "experimental build", see
--- (This was produced with a locally built "patched" Tycho, and so far haven't quite got the "official" SNAPSHOT to work consistently ... but works sometimes, and issues appear unrelated to the "Mac layout")

- The change is "all or nothing" ... once we (and Tycho) move to this new layout, the old layout will no longer be possible.

* This should only effect consumers who create their own "products" ... should not effect "features" or "plugins" in any way.
* Should not effect Linux or Windows "products" in any way.
* But, anyone who does produce "products", for the Mac, will also have to use Tycho 0.23.0-SNAPSHOT for "Sim. Release".
* Effect on "PDE Builds" and "Buckminster builds" is sort of unknown (by us) ... ?  

We have set our own deadline of Sunday March 15 to "have everything working" ... and, if not by then ... *might* have to back peddle, or come up with some other plan.

Just wanted to give a little early warning of this change coming. I think for the most part, everyone will welcome the change, but may be some rough spots ahead.

Please comment in Bug 431116if you see issues, or open new bugs, having them 'block' that bug.


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