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[cross-project-issues-dev] Luna SR2 RC2 *and* Mars M5 is complete

Hi Developers,

after a really, really busy week we've got two new releases ready. Thanks to everyone who helped to make that happen.

First of all: Luna.
Luna SR2 RC2 is available for download as a package from the developer build tab on the download page:

Please do not forget to test various updates and upgrades from older Luna versions. For that reason the "maintenance" repo will remain constant for a few days. These tests require the following two additional p2 repositories:

And then there's Mars:
The Mars M5 p2 repository is ready at

and the packages are available from
(as soon as the package maintainer gave their +1)

I'd like to draw your attention to some important changes in the packages... please use the bugs to report comments or give feedback:

Bug 457180 - Add Automated Error Reporting to all EPP packages
Bug 455645 - Integrate Oomph into all EPP packages
Bug 421779 - "Automatically find new updates and notify me" should be enabled in EPP packages
Bug 332989 - Allow parts of a package to upgraded or removed (as a test for the RCP/RAP package only!)

Thanks to all who have helped produce this milestone and RC, and thanks to everyone who tests it.


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