Some general notes:
There is a restrictive automatic duplicate detection in place that runs once after a new bug is reported. There is also a second, manual duplicate detection I trigger, say, once a day and use for testing new algorithms.
To help improving the system, I’d appreciate if you could mark bugs as duplicates of others (if they are) instead of closing them right away. This helps us to improve the duplicate detection and gives us perfect training data to evaluate new strategies automatically.
Please note that with M3 we’ll have Mylyn-style notification popups:
These popups occur whenever a user hits a bugzilla record marked with the keyword „needinfo“ (see [1] for an example). But keep in mind that bugs are by default only accessible by committers. To let every reporter help you, you have to remove the „Committer-only“ flag from the bugzilla report (again, see [1] for an example). But please do so only if the bug does not contain any private information like login names, source code or similar information.
You may also use the „whiteboard“ field in bugzilla to provide additional information which will be displayed in the „Thank you“ dialog as shown below.
Additional information may be „This has been fixed. Please update to version x.y.z“ or anything else you may find useful.
FWIW, this dialog is shown upon request only, i.e., when the user clicks on a link in the Progress view (see below). Thus, if you want the notify a user, use the keyword „needinfo“ or set the bug to FIXED which will also trigger the notification popup (read: fix the bug and let your users know):
If you have further questions or requests, please let me know.
Am 31.10.2014 um 13:23 schrieb Ed Willink <ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Sorry not to see you at EclipseCon where I gather that we need to register with you to get specific reports.
Please send me
org.eclipse.qvt* -- NB qvt.*, qvtd.*, qvto.*
stack traces for my delectation.
Thanks for this excellent piece of work. This combined with the timeout reports could ensure that 4.5 is better than 3.x, even for us IDE wingers.
Ed Willink
On 12/09/2014 07:29, Marcel Bruch wrote:
- I apologize for cross-posting to several lists -
Codetrails GmbH
The knowledge transfer company
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7, 64293 Darmstadt
Phone: +49-6151-276-7092
Mobile: +49-179-131-7721 Director: Dr. Marcel Bruch
Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 91940