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[cross-project-issues-dev] Reminder today is last build for Luna SR1 ... and Mars M2 is close!

I'm sure every one knows already, but today (5 PM Eastern, or so) is last aggregation build for Luna SR1 ... then EPP packages will be built ... and next week is "quiet week" ... where the idea is everyone can prepare for the release, update "info center" if needed, do even more testing, especially adopters who want to have their release ready the same time as we do ... etc. One thing to test well is "update", that's always a nasty failure to discover after we have released. For "how to do" see

The other thing that's good to check is that the version you think you are contributing, is what actually ends up in the 'maintenance' repo ... and that p2 (and other constraints) don't cause something higher or lower to be picked. Sometimes this "multiple versions" repo report is helpful for quick sanity check (but, nothing beats "manually" checking what is installed from Sim. Release, compared to what is installed from your own repo.

As far as I know, Luna is looking well (everyone is "enabled"), but there are more "errors" in the fundamentals of "repo report" than I'd like to see. I really don't understand why "about files" and "unsigned bundles" are not correct in every contribution? I guess it depends on your releng processes?

If anyone anticipates problems or has any questions, do let us know earlier rather than later!


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