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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Missing IP Logs for Luna

Yes, the 1.1.0 version has been in the aggregate repo since March. I thought I had already submitted the IP log for 1.1.0, maybe I'm mistaken - will do so tomorrow. I'll make sure the review doc is ready by tomorrow also.

The project metadata [1] shows both a 1.0.2 and 1.1.0. Is that what you intend?

Are the 1.1.0 bits already in the aggregate repository?

If yes, then you need to submit the IP Log for review and get PMC Approval for your review documentation ASAP. We can start the review on Wednesday (you won't be alone; there's a few other stragglers).

Later, I'd like to understand where/how the mis-communication occurred.


On 06/09/2014 07:04 PM, Bob Brodt wrote:
Oops!! I think there was a miscommunication somewhere along the line. The BPMN2 Modeler for Luna will be version 1.1.0 - a "minor" release because of breaking API changes. Is there enough time to do a release review? If not, what are the alternatives?

Sorry for the confusion,

BPMN2 was the only project that needed an IP Log or a release review.

Both BPEL Designer and BPMN2 Modeler are contributing service releases and so do not require IP Log reviews.

FWIW, I did respond to your submission of these IP Logs for review; I'll forward that response to you.


On 06/09/2014 03:43 PM, Bob Brodt wrote:
Hi Wayne,

I'm pretty sure I submitted IP logs for BPEL Designer and BPMN2 Modeler for the Luna simrel, but have not received the approved copies. were they not emailed to me, or did I just miss them?

Thanks for following up on this.


Greetings folks.

We're now one week past the due date for IP Logs. A couple of projects have contacted us to request  extensions (generally because they're still waiting on some CQ approvals).

But I've not heard (or I've lost the communication thread) from three projects.


If you've connected with us, and we've lost track of the conversation, I apologise.

AFAICT, there are no significant outstanding IP issues with any of these projects; all you need to do is push the button. Let us know if you need assistance.

Remember that the deadline for provide us with your PMC-approved review documentation is due on Wednesday, June 4. Note that you can request PMC review/approval while the IP Team reviews/approves your IP Log in parallel.

We need your IP Logs ASAP.

Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects, The Eclipse Foundation
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Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects, The Eclipse Foundation
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EclipseCon France 2014

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Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects, The Eclipse Foundation
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          France 2014

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