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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Status and outlook for Luna M1
Not to join would be a disservice to the community. Glad you allow us in. :)
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network.
I've enabled most of WTP (and yes, Carl asked me specifically to cover for him :) ... I enabled all the pieces that do not depend on DTP (e.g. JPA) ... so that should get us a little further. My local "validation" worked
in editor and we'll see how the Hudson aggregation goes.
Unfortunately -- from the poking around I've done -- DTP (and BIRT) likely won't be enabled/updated until 7 or 8 Eastern time at the earliest ... due to timezone differences ... so a) don't worry about getting lots of failures
the rest of the day ... I know all the email "build break reminders" drives people crazy. But, b) we will still try to have a relatively complete repo for M1 but not sure there will be time to do EPP packages ... but ... I am forever optimistic -- believe
it or not.
We are currently down to 27 (from yesterday's 50) projects that have not enabled their contribution. (List below) Unfortunately many of those (like DTP) are depended on by many others so I remind you "low level" projects you
are holding up others!
@Igor, and others, the advantage to enabling contribution even if you leave repo disabled due to missing pre-reqs is just a matter of helping me (and others) track the current state and likelihood of making the goal. If, by
Thursday morning, there are still, say 20, who have not even bothered to enable contribution, I'd be prone to conclude "no way". Whereas if all contributions were enabled, and just some features were not yet "fitting together", I might be more optimistic it
could be worked out by end of Thursday. [Since you asked "why bother".]
@Doug, and others ... no problem at all for me to set enabled="false" ... and, you know, I can never tell about CDT -- if they'll be the release or not ... glad you decided to join! :)
= = = = =
actf.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
amalgam.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
amp.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
birt.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
dltk.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
dtp.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
ecf.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emf-compare.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emft-ecoretools.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emft-eef.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emft-egf.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
epp-mpc.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
gmp-gmf-tooling.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
gmp-graphiti.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
jwt.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
koneki.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
m2e-wtp.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
m2e.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
m2m-atl.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
m2t-acceleo.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
mdt-modisco.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
mft.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
mylyn-docs-intent.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
pdt.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
soa-bpel.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
soa-sca.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
windowbuilder.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
From: "Konstantin Komissarchik" <konstantin.komissarchik@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'Cross project issues'" <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Date: 08/21/2013 02:29 PM
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Status and outlook for Luna M1
Sent by: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sapphire contribution is waiting on WTP contribution, which is waiting on DTP contribution. Disabling higher-level contributions until all the dependencies have been contributed is one option, but creates a lot
of churn and forces a linear contribution path that guarantees that M1 repo is going to be quite thin. If WTP is still not contributed by the end of the day, I will disable Sapphire, but I am not sure how many EPP packages can be created from a repository
in such a state…
- Konstantin
From: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Oberhuber, Martin
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 10:36 AM
To: Cross project issues
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Status and outlook for Luna M1
I have “declared intent” for tcf-1.2 by enabling the contribution … but will keep the repo disabled until the build is green.
The build has been failing since 11.01am server time today so I’m not sure if it’s a good idea adding more contributions before it is green … in the end, someone (David?) would need to disable culprits.
FWIW, when running the “validate aggregation” in the b3 model editor I get this error right now:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Missing requirement: Sapphire XML Editor Support (Incubation) (org.eclipse.sapphire.ui.swt.xml.editor requires 'bundle org.eclipse.wst.sse.core [1.1.600,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
Bundle(org.eclipse.wst.sse.core [1.1.600,2.0.0)) is required by:
Feature(org.eclipse.sapphire.ui.swt.xml.editor.feature.group 0.7.0)
Martin Oberhuber, SMTS / Product Architect – Development Tools,
Wind River
direct +43.662.457915.85 fax +43.662.457915.6
From: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of David M Williams
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 6:01 AM
To: cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [cross-project-issues-dev] Status and outlook for Luna M1
Doesn't look good. I'll admit there is one day left, but so far 50 projects have not even enabled their "contribution" to Luna (pasted below).
Thank you to the 20 of you who have.
Remember, enable your contribution if you plan to participate (remove the "enabled="false"), but disable your repository if you are simply waiting for pre-reqs to get enabled or fixed (disable by adding enabled="false" to your repository element(s)).
Please ask if questions. (Or, please say if you have explicitly decided not to participate in Luna).
= = = = =
This list are those that have not yet enabled contribution:
actf.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
amalgam.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
amp.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
birt.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
cdt.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
dltk.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
dtp.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
ecf.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
egit.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emf-cdo.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emf-compare.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emf-diffmerge.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emf-query.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emf-transaction.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emf-validation.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emft-ecoretools.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emft-eef.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emft-egf.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
emft-emffacet.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
epp-mpc.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
gmp-gmf-notation.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
gmp-gmf-runtime.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
gmp-gmf-tooling.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
gmp-graphiti.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
jubula.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
jwt.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
koneki.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
linuxtools.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
m2e-wtp.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
m2e.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
m2m-atl.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
m2t-acceleo.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
mat.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
mdt-modisco.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
mdt-papyrus.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
mft.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
mmt-qvto.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
mylyn-docs-intent.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
mylyn.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
objectteams.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
pdt.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
ptp.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
sapphire.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
scout-rap.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
scout.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
soa-bpel.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
soa-sca.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
tcf.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
tm.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
windowbuilder.b3aggrcon - org.eclipse.simrel.build
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