Ok Doug, I get that point with "Eclipse is NOT only for Java". :-) sorry for that….
What I really meant was lets compare open source or community editions first, because there people will compare usuabilty and that kind of stuff…. Most of times you dont compare a commercial software that need to pay money for with something that is free.
However I realize now that there is also a Visual Studio Community Edition (I think). (and there are commercial IDEs based on Eclipse)
So maybe the notion I sometimes get from discussions here is that we look at ourselves and then there is Visual Studio. There is more and there are quit a number who actually prefer IntelliJ. I was quit surprised recently from a new colleague in our company who has worked in a number of projects and he has worked with Eclipse and with IntelliJ and he strongly prefers IntelliJ overall.
He is a given me a list of things and some of them are also in the article I just linked before, better code completion, usuabilty, repository support and some more stuff….
so maybe something we should least look at….
Competitive analysis is important to know where you stand. And you need to look at all IDEs Eclipse competes with. It would be great to see comparisons with Xcode and Netbeans as well.
BTW, saying Visual Studio isn't a target is like saying Eclipse is only for Java ;)
I actually did not mean to highlight the reference to Visual Studio
per se. I meant that the comments about Eclipse’s usability in the article and especially in the comments are useful feedback. Are you sure that Visual Studio is our target for comparison ? And while Eclipse makes some good points there, there are still a number of points where Intellij seems to be better (to my surprise) i.e. "Usability: Intellij
user experience is much easier to grasp." And there are many comparisons of that kind. I think we should be tackle the points where the IntellJ community edition is better than Eclipse rather than
compare us with Visual Studio. If we’re looking for user feedback, reading the article and comments here[1] would be helpful. [1]
http://slashdot.org/topic/bi/visual-studio-vs-eclipse-a-programmers-matchup/ Mike Milinkovich mike.milinkovich@xxxxxxxxxxx +1.613.220.3223 Christian,
the "refresh" issue has been resolved a year ago in the Juno (4.2) release, but you might not see it in old workspaces yet. Make sure the General > Workspace > 'Refresh on
access' preference is checked. You can even go further and enable 'Refresh using native hooks or poling'.
Regarding recompiling the whole workspace: definitely a big bug. Please file a bug report (if not done already) and we will investigate.
The line number preference discussion currently happens in
From: "Campo, Christian" <Christian.Campo@xxxxxxxxxxxx> To: Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> Date: 16.07.2013 09:54 Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Preferences (topic was touched
in "Eclipse smells kind of dead" thread) Sent by: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sharing prefs between workspaces sounds good. The suggested solution still sounds a little bit too complicated (for my taste of course). If I open a workspace, why cant I
not directly reference an existing workspace and copy the preferences from there ? (why the extra export step) And for completeness wouldnt it be call if all my Eclipse installations share the same list of know workspace locations :-) so that I dont have to
add them again when I unpack a new Eclipse IDE.
I also think the "IHateEclipse" page is not only about preferences. I can think of a list of top 10 items that every newcomer to Eclipse hates and we since we use it so long
got used to it. We accept although deep in us we dont think that it has to be that way right ?
- line numbers
- the reoccuring refresh option (eclipse detects a change on disk, but you need to press F5, no option (default=true) to always refresh)
- software update: couldnt Eclipse auto check for updates like any current other tool I use and say "there are updates, do you want to install them"
- software update: when I select a software update site, it checks the P2 data, yet the progress of this is shown at the bottom of the shell window and not in the dialog where I am currently working,
maybe a thing that people dont even notice and get the impression of slowliness
- and yes I have also seen myself "An error occurred, details: cant display details: an error occurred"
- which leads too: could it be interesting to give users the option to send exceptions in the IDE to eclipse.org and then the individual plugin providers can pick them up or query them. (What
exceptions in real life have happened in the EMF model editor ?) <I am making that up, of course the EMF model editor does have exceptions :-)>
- easier or standard shortcuts. I like the point about CTRL-TAB for editor switching. And I hate shortcuts like ALT-CTRL + G + I (does anyone seriously use that)
- I also dont get it why Eclipse recompiles my whole workspace when I start the Eclipse IDE, although it was compiled and running when I stopped the IDE
- why is the Maven default to update the dependencies from all remote repositories (takes ages)
- startup time ("preparing JDT tooling" etc.) also a complain.
What I really want to say is the pain points that are articulated on that website, I believe are larger than fixing the preferences.
So next to that existing technical discussion of preferences I think it would be also cool if there where a thread about what kind of others improvments we see. Does anyone
agree with my personal list above ? Do you have your own list of things that got used too but dont really like ? What are the pain points of your customers ?
Eric Moffatt <emoffatt@xxxxxxxxxx>
Antworten an: Cross issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Datum: Montag, 15. Juli 2013 20:39
An: Cross issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Betreff: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Preferences (topic was touched in "Eclipse smells kind of dead" thread)
This is a great discussion ! To me it's always seemed odd that the workspace is where all the ui information is stored. I'd like to always use the same UI for the same type of
task regardless of where the projects / files reside.
We've already started looking into how we might support a 'common' UI setup in Luna. Basically it would try to separate the UI from the workspace as well as allowing different setups based on the type of work you are doing. The current approach would effectively
override the current mechanism(s) to gain access to the '.metadata' to allow a choice between using the workspace's location or the 'common' one.
The main issue is to determine *which* metadata is common vs workspace oriented. The best approach I can think of would be an 'opt in' one where a component would declare which of its 'plugins' directories can be 'common'. The platform would then use this info
when providing the path to store the information for a particular bundle...
Do you think that this can work ? For the UI certainly but without capturing things like dialog settings and ui preferences it's not likely to be seen as a huge gain. My guess is that of all the information we save in '.metadata' most is not really specific
to a particular workspace.
I realize after talking to McQ that how to split up preferences has proven in the past to be a very difficult problem. How about if the user just exports whatever prefs they're interested in to the 'common' area and we auto-import these whenever we're working
against a new workspace ?
Doug Schaefer ---07/15/2013 01:23:51 PM---It may be hard, but it's is one huge item that we've all run into with our users. It's probably wort
It may be hard, but it's is one huge item that we've all run into with our users. It's probably worth the price.
From: Pascal Rapicault <pascal.rapicault@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Monday, 15 July, 2013 6:55 PM
To: Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Preferences (topic was touched in "Eclipse smells kind of dead" thread)
Internally the preferences are already organized in “scopes” that are: - Project
- Workspace
- Configuration
- (There is no such thing as “system”)
However the user does not have a say as in the scope in which a value should be stored. This is mostly because creating a UI for this is hard (we explored some things back in the 3.0 days when we introduced the scope mechanism).
On Behalf Of Henrik
Sent: July-15-13 12:45 PM
To: Cross project issues
Subject: [cross-project-issues-dev] Preferences (topic was touched in "Eclipse smells kind of dead" thread)
Hi all,
I know that preferences can be imported/exported.
Yet I find it a bit cumbersome to care about that every time I create a new workspace.
Wouldn't it make sense to have preferences arranged in several layers similar to git: system/user/workspace?
Also I could imagine to offer a web page with collections of preference settings.
They could be ordered in categories (maybe aligned to the packaged Eclipse installations).
And we could offer a possibility for users to cast their vote to be able to rank the settings.
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