don’t think this is the right reasoning to have. If
Buckminster satisfies all your needs (stable, supported,
etc), then you should keep it, especially considering that
the switch of technology can be quite time consuming (we
believe it took more a one-man year to do the whole
conversion of the platform), and that there are features
in Buckminster that are more powerful than those found in
platform had to move to Tycho/CBI to enable the LTS and
Polarsys initiatives. I think that if it had not been for
those reasons, the move to Tycho may have never occurred
(or at a much slower pace). After all PDE Build still
works well and has been stable for quite some time now.
Is this a strong indication that Buckminster is doomed as in
in-house technology, and that all projects that migrated to
Buckminster should start to plan for a migration to Tycho?
Ed Willink
On 25/02/2013 06:54, David M Williams wrote:
think most are aware that we in the Platform (with help
from many others) have been working to move our builds to
use Tycho and Maven (instead of PDE Batch Builds) to build
our deliverables. This is part of the "CBI efforts" and
more specifically motivated by the Eclipse Foundation's
LTS program.