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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] WTP getting concerned about prereqs for M4


DTP provided a nightly build that solves their ICU issue.  However, that revealed that Graphiti does not tolerate the ICU version change.  I opened to address this issue.
We were hoping to re-enable the JPA Diagram Editor feature in WTP for M4- it was pulled from M3 due to similar issues, but we want to re-include it, if at all possible.  (See )


- Carl Anderson
WTP programmer

Inactive hide details for Carl Anderson---12/11/2012 02:05:53 PM---Folks,  WTP usually does its build starting at midnight (EasCarl Anderson---12/11/2012 02:05:53 PM---Folks,  WTP usually does its build starting at midnight (Eastern time) the


Carl Anderson/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS


"cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx" <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


12/11/2012 02:05 PM


[cross-project-issues-dev] WTP getting concerned about prereqs for M4

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WTP usually does its build starting at midnight (Eastern time) the Wednesday before our +2 contribution date.  That means that for M4, we should start our build at midnight on Wed, Dec. 12th.  However, one of our prereqs is blocking us- DTP (which is being tracked by ).  We've reviewed WTP's requires of ICU and believe that we will not have an issue, once all of our dependencies are fixed and we are able to build.  However, we wanted to raise this concern, since we have not yet successfully built WTP on top of an Eclipse Kepler M4 driver that contains the ICU changes, and we will not have much time to react in case there is an issue.
If there are other teams that are blocked by WTP's lack of a build on top of an Eclipse Kepler M4 driver that contains the ICU changes, please let me know.


- Carl Anderson
WTP Build guy
cross-project-issues-dev mailing list

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