I'm trying to launch windowTester tests for the project EMF/DiffMerge : job https://hudson.eclipse.org/hudson/job/buckminster-emf-diffmerge-helios
I'm facing some issues because windowTester doesn't work with Linux x86_64 (see http://code.google.com/p/windowtester/issues/detail?id=1). As most eclipse hudson slaves are running x86_64 (see https://hudson.eclipse.org/hudson/computer/), I've tried to :
* force arch, osgi.arch and target.arch variables to x86 in my job. But even if I configure the job with a "Java 5 R 16 32bit (SUN)" jdk, I still have the JAVA_HOME variable setted to "/shared/common/sun-jdk1.6.0_21_x64", and other problems with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. This causes some "wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32" problems and my job fails.
* I also tried to restrict the job to the "windows7tests" slave, but I suppose that the paths /home/data/httpd/download.eclipse.org and /shared/download-staging.priv/modeling/diffmerge/ (needed for signing) won't be available.
Do you have any idea?
Ideally, I'd like to be able to execute my job on a linux x86 slave, or to have the good JAVA_HOME or LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables.