On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 07:02, Jesse McConnell <
jesse.mcconnell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> the eclipse-signing-maven-plugin takes care of some of it but reading
> over the original mail I sort of glazed over and didn't really pick up
> on where else it ought to have helped address things...
> so from my view the index and mirror files goop is stuff in tycho land
> if anyone picks up on a shortcoming of the signing plugin do chirp up
> and let us know...past that igor will likely know more on the p2
> details, I still find it a bit silly. :)
> cheers,
> jesse
> --
> jesse mcconnell
> On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 03:08, Marcel Bruch <
bruch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I'm evaluating how to make our repositories comply to these needs with our tycho build. Maybe some successful tycho user or tycho committer can comment on how to support pack200, p2.index files, and p2.mirrorsURL?
>> To me it sounds like these configuration options should be part of the repository packaging but at least I haven't found them. Are there any options to "switch on" these things? Or is there a set of plug-ins to use that will do the trick?
>> Thanks,
>> Marcel
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