Hey folks. There are a lot of opportunities to get together and talk
about builds at EclipseCon.
There are a handful of talks [1]. I'm particularly excited about
"How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Build" [2]. In this
talk, Webmaster Denis and I are going to present the Common Build
Infrastructure (CBI) as part of the overall Application Lifecycle
Management (ALM) story at Eclipse.
There are a number of other equally (or, probably, more) interesting
talks about specific build technologies like Tycho [3] and Hudson
[4,5] which are an important part of our CBI work.
Andrew is hosting a session on the CBI and our ongoing Long Term
Support (LTS) initiative on Wednesday morning after the keynote in
Reston Suites A from 10:15 am to 12 pm. Consider attending this
session if you are interested in the technical aspects of CBI and
Note that we have a mailing list, cbi-dev [6], and a wiki page [7]
for discussing and documenting CBI-related issues.
[1] http://www.eclipsecon.org/2012/category/tags/build
[6] https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/cbi-dev
[7] http://wiki.eclipse.org/CBI
Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @waynebeaton