Thanks Eric, Dani and John.
Turns out that in fact somehow my PDE Compiler Warning Preferences were messed up to all be Error.
And what’s oddest: After a quit and restart, they were all back to the normal default settings.
Fortunately I had collected all kinds of logs as well as a stripped-down ZIP of my .metadata before the quit-and-restart.
Filed to follow up.
Regarding Dani’s advice to fix all the errors … that would not have been possible since it were just too many. We’re talking about 10 or more different kinds
of errors, and 500 or so in total. Some of them I didn’t _want_ to fix. For others, I tried fixing them as a group but having the properly sorted group selected and applying Quickfix the tool insisted that they can’t be fixed as a group (I think I tried
some encoding errors where the tool thought that should reproduce my project encoding setting).
I haven’t filed a bug yet for making it easier to change warning levels right from the Problems view but I think this would be a good approach. Reproducing
the problem is easy by just setting all PDE > Compiler warning levels to “Error”. I’m wondering how many errors jdt.core / jdt.ui would report if that is done?
From: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of John Arthorne
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 4:45 PM
To: Cross project issues
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] New PDE error reporting in 4.2m4
I suggest entering a bug against PDE and we can track it down from there. According to Curtis the default severity for missing versions is "ignore"
and this hasn't changed in Juno. I quickly checked these settings in latest 4.2 build and I also see them as "ignore". It could be something peculiar about your target platform or about how your workspace was upgraded.
Hi all,
Updating to 4.2m4 as my SDK for development, I’m finding myself swamped with tons of new errors such that I can’t compile my code any more.
I do see some value in reporting issues such as version constraints in require-bundle, but …
- Some messages do not seem appropriate to report as errors (eg exporting an “internal” package with x-friends should not require specifying a version with the package; or, adding additional
files to the source build should not be an error).
- And it should be easier to turn them from “error” to “warning” (which Preference Page item corresponds to what error?)
The effort needed before I can compile my code which has been running fine for years seems not acceptable for me.
For instance, I’d expect a quickfix “convert this error into a warning” with each of the new reports introduced.
Is this already discussed in a bug anywhere ?
What are other projects doing ?
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