2011/12/14 Dennis Hübner
Am 14.12.11 20:17, schrieb Adolfo Sanchez Barbudo:
I actually thought that the "milestones" repository was the ideal
candidate, in this case.
I don't think that "milestones" is the ideal candidate for
downstream projects.
At least not after the latest RC, which will be rebuild as release
in the most cases.
It's not our case. We build RCs as usual S-builds which are published in the milestones repository. Our releases repository only contains the final Releases, which usually comes from (copyed) the last built RC.
So you have to switch to releases update site, to build against the
final version of projects you depends on.
Anyway, if you as e.g +3 project operate against the juno
aggregation/staging repository,
you can be sure, you get the right +2 dependencies for each
This doesn't sound bad. Essentially, I only want the repository locations which are supposed to be contributed (generally - so far :P -, milestones repositories). Your points looks likea a practical idea to ensure we are building our milestones against the different artifacts which are currently contributed.
In fact, it's not a problem of having different
timing in the releases dates, but the different repositories in which the
different releases are placed.... Perhaps a simply (temporal) redirection
from the "milestones" composite repository to the new released stuff would
have sufficed in this case.... It's much easier make the releng of a
project configure the repositories that he/she controls than making the
releng of the downstream projects look into such an issue.
I think it's also a good idea to point b3 aggregator to projects
nightly update site after a milestone is released.
So dependent projects can earlier react to probably breaking
I had thought last year that this was what aggregator was for, that is
that we could use the update sites indicated in the aggregator, but I
discovered that I was wrong. Perhaps we should legislate having that be in
sync, or add a separate set for Interim and Nightlies?It sure would be nice
to find out what version of dependencies we should be using without having
to consult typically out of date project web sites.
On Dec 14, 2011, at 10:53 AM, John Arthorne wrote:
The general form of this question would be good input for Wayne and his
project page organization. Currently projects declare with a flag that they
are participating in the simultaneous release, but there is no record that
I am aware of indicating which release they will contribute. For projects
whose own schedule matches the cadence of the release train this is fairly
obvious. But for other projects with more frequent releases I don't think
this information is available. To pick a random example, this morning I was
asking what release of Jetty would be in Juno and the answer wasn't so
clear. Maybe the juno "participation" flag should be metadata on a release
rather than just a generic flag on the project? For downstream projects and
consumers I expect this information would be really helpful.
*Adolfo Sanchez Barbudo <adolfosbh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>*
Sent by: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[cross-project-issues-dev] Xtext M4 ?
Hello Folks
I'm wondering if Xtext guys are going to create any kind of milestone for
Looking at their milestones repository[1] I only see an old 2.1.0M2.
I don't find any clue in the project plan [2] neither .
Any reason about why there is no an updated milestones repository would be
appreciated. Take into account that our milestones builds are based on
milestones repositories for those projects we depend on, so keeping the
usual (probably planned) milestones releases are important for us.
[1] *http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/tmf/xtext/updates/milestones*<http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/tmf/xtext/updates/milestones>
[2] *
Dennis Hübner
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