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[cross-project-issues-dev] Scout Project Version

If nobody mind the Eclipse Scout project will join the Indigo release train with version 3.7.0 and Incubation state. 

Applications build on Scout (Version 3.5.5) are released and installed with many customers worldwide. Since downgrading of version numbers is not that easy and we do not plan to maintain two P2 repositories (one for release train another for our customers) we keep the version > 3.5.5.

Hope everybody is fine with that.

Andreas Hoegger

BSI Business Systems Integration AG
Andreas Michael Hoegger
Eclipse Scout Project Lead
Täfernstrasse 16a
CH-5405 Baden

business (direct): +41 (0)56 484 16 87
mobile:            +41 (0)78 615 29 29
mail:              andreas.hoegger@xxxxxxxxx

Meet me at:
- EclipseCon 2011 Santa Clara, California 2011 March 21 - 24 ( ______________________________________________________

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