Hi Dennis,
I understand that there might be some value in having ONE version of Xtext be able and run on Eclipse 3.5 AND 3.6.
On the other hand, isn't the main reason and value of Orbit that on the release train we're all synced on the same versions to use?
Or is the release train just a vehicle for testing and discovering problems like these?
If I'm not mistaken, there's other projects which build separate Streams to run on top of Eclipse 3.5 or 3.6, respectively.
What do others think?
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff,
Wind River
direct +43.662.457915.85 fax +43.662.457915.6
Hi Miles,
the problem with Xtext and commons.logging was the unnecessary version request in our cspec file.
I fixed this so you shouldn't get this warning any more.
Xtext, Xpand and MWE are build against eclipse 3.5, amp is build with 3.6 so there are some differences between target bundles.
We use log4j from Orbit R20100519200754, junit 3.x and commons logging comes from eclipse 3.5 platform.
As long as there are any unsolved conflicts, all is fine. p2 will install both version (if the bundle in not a singleton) see
Best regards,
Am 24.11.10 19:10, schrieb Miles Parker:
Hi guys,
Apropos my earlier post and build time dependencies vs. provisioning time..
For my platform import I'm getting warnings that seem to be based on warning that I can see in the XText build:
INFO: setpref 'targetPlatformPath=/opt/users/hudsonbuild/.hudson/jobs/Xtext-nightly-HEAD/workspace//buildroot/target.platform'
WARN: Target platform directory '/opt/users/hudsonbuild/.hudson/jobs/Xtext-nightly-HEAD/workspace//buildroot/target.platform' does not exist and will be created
INFO: import '-Declipse.download=file:/home/data/httpd/download.eclipse.org' '/opt/users/hudsonbuild/.hudson/jobs/Xtext-nightly-HEAD/workspace//org.eclipse.xtext.git/releng/org.eclipse.xtext.releng/releng/xtext-platform.mspec'
WARNING [0002] : Component request org.apache.commons.logging:osgi.bundle/1.1.1 is inconflict with request org.apache.commons.logging:osgi.bundle/[1.0.4.v201005080501,1.0.4.v201005080501]
WARNING [0048] : Component request org.apache.commons.logging:osgi.bundle/[1.1.1,2.0.0) is inconflict with request org.apache.commons.logging:osgi.bundle/[1.0.4.v200904062259,1.0.4.v200904062259]
WARNING [0040] : Component request org.apache.commons.logging:osgi.bundle/[1.0.4.v201005080501,1.0.4.v201005080501] is inconflict with request org.apache.commons.logging:osgi.bundle/[1.0.4.v200904062259,1.0.4.v200904062259]
INFO: TAG-ID 0002 = Query for org.eclipse.xtext.releng:buckminster, path: org.eclipse.xtext.releng:buckminster$1.0.0.qualifier
TAG-ID 0040 = Query for org.eclipse.xtext.releng:buckminster, path: org.eclipse.xtext.releng:buckminster$1.0.0.qualifier -> org.eclipse.platform:eclipse.feature$3.6.0.v20100602-9gF78GpqFt6trOGhL5t0nJy5fyGHKrwNY -> org.eclipse.help:eclipse.feature$1.2.0.v20100427-7e7jEKFEx2XlnZinTQpfz-3
TAG-ID 0048 = Query for org.eclipse.xtext.releng:buckminster, path: org.eclipse.xtext.releng:buckminster$1.0.0.qualifier -> org.eclipse.emf.mwe.ui:eclipse.feature$1.0.0.v201011241124 -> org.eclipse.emf.mwe.core:osgi.bundle$1.0.0.v201011241124 -> org.apache.commons.cli:osgi.bundle$1.0.0.v20080604-1500
And I get:
org.eclipse.ant.core:osgi.bundle/[3.1.0,4.0.0): Trying provider local(workspace)
No open workspace project found that corresponds to org.eclipse.ant.core:osgi.bundle/[3.1.0,4.0.0)
WARNING [0007] : Component request org.apache.log4j:osgi.bundle/[1.2.15.v201005080500,1.2.15.v201005080500] is inconflict with request org.apache.log4j:osgi.bundle/[1.2.13.v200903072027,1.2.13.v200903072027]
INFO: TAG-ID 0007 = Query for org.eclipse.amp.releng:buckminster, path: org.eclipse.amp.releng:buckminster$0.8.0.qualifier -> org.eclipse.xtext.runtime:eclipse.feature$1.0.1.v201008251220
org.eclipse.help:eclipse.feature/[1.2.0.v20100427-7e7jEQFEp4jsWcboLU9l93,1.2.0.v20100427-7e7jEQFEp4jsWcboLU9l93]: Found match 1.2.0.v20100427-7e7jEQFEp4jsWcboLU9l93
WARNING [0108] : Component request org.apache.commons.logging:osgi.bundle/[1.1.1.v201005080502,1.1.1.v201005080502] is inconflict with request
TAG-ID 0108 = Query for org.eclipse.amp.releng:buckminster, path: org.eclipse.amp.releng:buckminster$0.8.0.qualifier -> org.eclipse.xtend:eclipse.feature$1.0.1.v201008251147 ->
> org.eclipse.xtend.dependencies:eclipse.feature$1.0.1.v201008251147
I'm also getting one for junit. (I think these may be coming off of SWTBot and/or Birt.)
Now my project doesn't even *have* a dependency on org.apache.log4j
and m o.a.c.loggins is un-versioned.
I'm wondering what people's thoughts are on these conflicts? Are they likely to be things that are going to be problems for others down the road? Is there any rationale strategy for dealing with these cross-project other than simply having noone specify
version dependencies? Am I just worrying too much?
cross-project-issues-dev mailing list
Dennis Hübner
Tel.: 0431 5606 336
Fax.: 0431 5606 339
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