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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] FW: Build failed in Hudson: buckminster-voicetools-nightly #315

Title: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] FW: Build failed in Hudson: buckminster-voicetools-nightly #315
Should I just tie my builds to the master for now?  Builds on slave 2 are still failing.


On 10/18/10 4:29 PM, "Terran Gilman" <trip@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I just reran the build and it still failed with the exact same error.  This is slave 2 I’m building on.


On 10/18/10 3:51 PM, "Dennis Hübner" <dennis.huebner@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

  The proxy issue with no_proxy environment variable was fixed today.
 Am 18.10.10 22:47, schrieb Thomas Hallgren:
  I think the proxy settings on the hudson server is lacking the entry '' form its no_proxy environment setting.
 Thomas Hallgren
 On 10/18/2010 05:47 PM, Stéphane Bouchet wrote:
Hi, did you try just once to build on master ?
 there is some mess with slaves....
 Le 18/10/2010 17:44, Trip Gilman a écrit :
I've had a build failure the last few nights, each resulting from the same
 error.  I ignored it as a simple network hiccup, but it looks to be
 consistent.  Anyone have any ideas on why would be an
 unknown host?
 Trip Gilman
 ------ Forwarded Message
 From:<hudsonbuild@xxxxxxxxxxx> <mailto:hudsonbuild@xxxxxxxxxxx>  
 Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 01:17:09 -0400 (EDT)
 To: Terran Gilman<trip@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <mailto:trip@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  
 Subject: Build failed in Hudson: buckminster-voicetools-nightly #315
 Started by timer
 Building remotely on hudson-slave2
 Checking out
 A         org.eclipse.vtp-4.0.rmap
 A         vtp_4.0.0.cquery
 A         EclipseRCP.cquery
 A         target_platform.mspec
 AU        .project
 AU        promote.xml
 AU        publish.xml
 A         p2site_feature.cquery
 AU        copy.xml
 A         legacy_p2site_feature.cquery
 AU        index.php
 At revision 21362
 no change for
 clipse.vtp.releng.buckminster since the previous build
 No emails were triggered.
 [buckminster-voicetools-nightly] $ /bin/sh -xe
 + rm -Rf
 + rm -Rf
 + rm -Rf
 + rm -Rf
 [buckminster-voicetools-nightly] $
 oicetools-nightly/ws/buckminster.temp>  '
 -Dhttps.proxyPort=9898 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="*"
 -Dhttps.nonProxyHosts="*"' -jar
 0100507.jar -application org.eclipse.buckminster.cmdline.headless -data
 --loglevel debug -S
 Preference 'targetPlatformPath' set to the value
 Doing full workspace refresh
 Waiting for jobs to end
 Platform install location: /opt/public/common/buckminster-3.6
 Target platform provided by class
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0: Using resolver rmap
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0: Using resolver Local
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0: Trying provider
 No materialization found for
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0: Trying provider
 No open workspace project found that corresponds to
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0: Trying provider
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0: Rejecting provider
 eclipse.platform(feature/org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site): No component match
 was found
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0: Using resource map
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0: Using search path
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0: Trying provider
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0: trunk/head will be
 Obtaining remote folder
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0: Rejecting provider
 g&moduleAfterBranch]): No component match was found
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0: No provider was found
 that could resolve the request
 ERROR   [0001] : No suitable provider for component
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0 was found in resourceMap
    ERROR   [0001] : No suitable provider for component
 org.eclipse.vtp.releng.p2site:eclipse.feature/4.0.0 was found in searchPath
      ERROR   [0001] : Rejecting provider
 g&moduleAfterBranch]): No component match was found
        ERROR   org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNClientException:
 org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: svn: unknown host
 svn: PROPFIND request failed on
 INFO:  TAG-ID 0001 = Query for
 Doing full workspace refresh
 Waiting for jobs to end
 Archiving artifacts
 ------ End of Forwarded Message
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