User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100802 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.2
Thanks much!
On 9/20/2010 5:17 PM, Denis Roy wrote:
I've installed the SVN client.
On 09/20/2010 05:14 PM, Eric Gwin wrote:
EclipseLink can access SVN without a problem (svn is served on a
separate server), I should have been more specific... there
doesn't appear to be an SVN client installed on I've removed my old .rc and .profile just to
make certain that they weren't setting erroneous values.
On 9/20/2010 5:00 PM, Daniel Pastore wrote:
Hi Eric,
We also use SVN on Sequoyah and it has been working fine
for us. :)
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but svn appears to
not be working. Though the problem could be as simple
as my user doesn't have it properly in the path.
On 9/20/2010 1:50 PM, Denis Roy wrote:
The Hudson
servers are back online, and the new Build
server is now (somewhat) online. Feel free to
log in and start recovering your build
As I mentioned last week, we have lost the
*build account home directories and the local
MySQL data, but /shared is intact.
Here are some notes:
- there may be some software or OS components
missing. Please file a bug if you need OS
- the new machine is an x86_64 box, so the
PPC64 Java files in /shared/common won't work.
Feel free to install new JDKs there
- PPC executables in /shared will no longer
- the local *Build accounts (wtpBuild,
phpBuild, etc) have mostly been recreated with
new passwords. Releng leads who used those
accounts should email webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx to
get the new Build account password. Please
change it to something new at your earliest
- signing hasn't been enabled yet.
If you see anything else that is missing,
please let us know.