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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Project Summaries

Hi all, 

I did just minor tweaks (text formatting) for Sequoyah. The content is correct.


On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 11:36 AM, Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Greetings all. As part of your release documentation, we asked you to provide a short summary. Anne pulled all those summaries together and I've moved them to the Wiki [1] (and have done some minor editing).

I know that Mike used these summaries yesterday to get some information for a presentation that he's delivering this week. I suspect that others will find this information useful.

In that spirit, I invite you to update your summary as you see fit. I do, however, ask that you keep it brief (frankly, I think that the Buckminster one is the upper bound for size, and the EclipseLink one is in the sweet spot).

Curiously, we received four summaries more than we received review documentation... What's up with that?



Wayne Beaton, The Eclipse Foundation

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