We just copy our final build repository to our release repository.
We also have scripts that rename all the zips to the release name.
So no repacking, or re-signing for us :-)
*Kenn Hussey <kenn.hussey@xxxxxxxxx>*
Sent by: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
06/10/2010 03:46 PM
Please respond to
Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Final Release Build
I guess the complication stems from our initial misunderstanding of
"final build" in the Helios release schedule; we expected to be able
to run and contribute our "release" build next week (even if it were
based on the same CVS timestamp). I believe others had similar (or
perhaps even greater) expectations, so we're not alone there.
We've already identified the need for a "rename" operation (or
something similar) for Buckminster builds, but I'm not sure if there
is a bug for it yet; if there isn't, I'll create one and add you to
the CC list.
What do other projects do? Does "renaming" for other projects involve
unpacking zips/JARs, updating identifiers and/or paths, and then
repacking/resigning them? Or do folks simply republish their existing
bits as new repositories and ZIP archives? I would think the former,
unless, for example, folks expect something like "I20100603-1500" to
be the build identifier of the official release....
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 3:09 PM, David M Williams
<_david_williams@xxxxxx.com_ <mailto:david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> the feature numbers change with each build because the build
identifiers change
Interesting. Complicated. I know there are plenty of issues of when to
call a build "different".
Thanks for letting us know what to expect:
to see changes in build files and that your final build will change
qualifiers of features and branding bundles,
in order to be named correctly. If anything substantial changes I'm
sure you'll let us know.
But sounds like you will _require_ a rebuild/spin/push of all of
Helios's 1,000,000,000 bytes to accommodate your build system and make
everything matches. (did I do that math right? 1 to 2 Gigabytes,
depending on how you count).
Is there a bug/feature request for handling renames with Buckminster
based builds? Sounds important (that is, it would be best to produce
final bits/versions early and then later decide those were indeed the
bits to release, without having to rebuild). I'd like to follow that
[And, honestly, sounds like you could have planned better ... how do
you know your "final rebuild to change the name and URLs" is really
the right one to release? that nothing broke?]
We are here to help! :)
From: Kenn Hussey <_kenn.hussey@gmail.com_
To: Cross project issues <_cross-project-issues-dev@eclipse.org_
Date: 06/10/2010 01:07 PM
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Final Release Build
Sent by: _cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@eclipse.org_
Well, in the case of the EMF, XSD, and Ecore Tools builds, the feature
numbers change with each build because the build identifiers, which
are stored in the about.mappings files of the branding bundles,
change. But the other (i.e., source code) bits would remain the same.
Is this acceptable?
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 12:53 PM, David M Williams
<_david_williams@xxxxxx.com_ <mailto:david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Well ... let's see ... does it set office furniture on fire? :) Just
Yes, if just the URL of the final repo changes, and all feature/bundle
versions stay the same, I won't complain.
If some version number change (even if in qualifier only) I'd
appreciate understanding why that was ... since that implies different
From: Kenn Hussey <_kenn.hussey@gmail.com_
To: Cross project issues <_cross-project-issues-dev@eclipse.org_
Date: 06/10/2010 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Final Release Build
Sent by: _cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@eclipse.org_
I think what Ed means is that some projects need to respin their
builds (against the same bits) using a different build type (e.g., "R"
instead of "I") and those builds need to be published to a different
repository location (release repo instead of milestones repo) before
the final release. I assume such projects should be considered
exceptions so that they are picked up by a final "on demand" aggregation?
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 11:06 AM, David M Williams
<_david_williams@xxxxxx.com_ <mailto:david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Not sure. And, not sure I know what you mean. Normally when I hear
"rename" it just involve zip files and directory names. Do you mean
the directory part of the URL in the .build file? In the past, people
have just corrected those to final location (after the release,
normally) and does not require a respin. This is not ideal, obviously,
since we are not literally building from the final URL, but, honestly,
we always have the risk that the contents of a URL changes and breaks
the build, or makes it non-reproducible.
If I've not answered what you need to know, please ask again.
From: Ed Merks <_ed.merks@gmail.com_ <mailto:ed.merks@xxxxxxxxx>>
To: Cross project issues <_cross-project-issues-dev@eclipse.org_
Date: 06/10/2010 10:54 AM
Subject: [cross-project-issues-dev] Final Release Build
Sent by: _cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@eclipse.org_
Given that we don't have rename support for our Buckminster builds, how
will be spin and contribute our final release build?
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