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[cross-project-issues-dev] Fw: [Helios] Failed for build 2010-03-12_00-02-45

This problem has existed in the build for (at least) 24 hours.  That provides a good opportunity for me to remind everyone we need build failures fixed within a few hours. Especially during the end of a milestone, as we are now entering.

There are many groups trying to make contributions, to confirm all is as expected (even if not their very final M6 contribution) and having a long-term failure like this holds up many others from getting work done.

So, beware, if failures can't be fixed within a few hours, please let us know here on cross-project list what the issue is and what the outlook is.  Failure to do so will have some consequence.

Thank you,

----- Forwarded by David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM on 03/12/2010 12:10 AM -----
From: David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
To: PDT Build Team <roy@xxxxxxxx>, PDT Build Team <michael@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Date: 03/12/2010 12:04 AM
Subject: [Helios] Failed for build 2010-03-12_00-02-45

The following error occured when building Helios:

Unable to find in repository

Check the log file for more information:

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