I'm not sure if this is the correct place
to post this topic, but since I can't find any other more suitable I'll
do it here. Please point me the right place if I'm wrong.
problem is as follows. I'm working in a Web Project using Eclipse 3.4.1
and Tomcat 6. I compile, execute and deploy with an build.xml file. The
problem arises when I try to debug the WAR file once imported. It seems
that Tomcat never really "starts" when I launch Debug as-> Debug on
Server. Once the timeout expires, the tomcat thread is terminated along
the debug processing. Obviously, I could increase the timeout setting,
but that seems too nasty...I used Glassfish before and I could debug
with no probs, but due project features, I had to swap to Tomcat, and I
can't debug with it...
help will be very appreciated, it's hard to believe no one encountered
this problem before me...I checked many other forums and they all
propose the use of the Sydeo Plugin but that's unnecessary in my case.
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