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Re: Hudson restart requested to install new plugins (was Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] [galileo] FYI - Updated build with STP bits)

Re: Hudson doing signing, see:

Richard Gronback wrote:
I'm wondering how to handle signing and permissions issues with Hudson
builds. Indeed, builds started from Hudson are processed by a
"hudsonbuild" user on
However, this user is not allowed to sign jars, and has very basic
permissions. This makes Hudson build unable to process the full chain
(pde build + testing + signing + update site + p2). The signing tasks is
the one that is currently blocking, once permissions have been set to
"rwx" for everybody.

I understand that it would not be safe to give to "hudsonbuild" the
right to sign jars. Thus, does any of you have an idea of a workaround I
could use? I think a solution would be to get build started by another
user than hudsonbuild, but I don't think that it can be done
respectfully of security concerns...

Any suggestion is welcome!

Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash CBI

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