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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Re: [] Bjorn "Knuckles" the Ganymede Enforcer asks a question about STP...

Hi all,
This is the more substantial response that was promised yesterday.

I've picked what I see as the two major concerns from the email trail:

1. STP - can it deliver on the technical requirements for ganymede?
2. STP - can we trust it not to screw everyone else (and the release) up?

I think that the answer to 1) is yes - the STP artifacts are signed, packed and the site is digested as per requirements. We've sailed very close to the edge with this, but RC4 has all it needs, I believe. We also have a process for producing the build artifacts - it involves manual steps, but as you all know once the process is described, the next step is automation. It's the repeatability
that counts. You can see our simple build process described at [0].

The issue of 2) is a little more complex because it's a trust thing, and it's the rest of you project leads that need to make the decision on that. I can only
make my case here to you all.

I think we've been responsive in quashing bugs of the 'play well with others' ilk, and for fixing up bad builds, correcting nearly all of them in less than half a day. One thing that I feel was an issue here is that we have no build watchers in the North American time zones, so our responsiveness had certain limitations. Introduction of the 'build it' button for Ganymede cruise control has helped this (although the cruise site is not always available) but before that there would have been a visible lag time.

The project's major issue for this year has been staffing, especially around the build work. What if Nick Boldt suddenly won the lottery and lit out for a world cruise of indeterminate length? We'd all be the poorer, yet we would muddle through, because of his excellent documentation of the process. Now what would happen if he hadn't documented thing quite so well? This was the position in which we found ourselves in May of this year.

Silence is the enemy of trust, and it has been pointed out to me (quite
correctly) that my communications within the community of project leads
at Eclipse has been less than exemplary. Ineffective communication, coupled
with build tardiness as I tried to cram how the build is meant to work,
has popped up warning flags. I would feel the same way if I were observing
from the community as a whole.

So, what's the plan to address these issues as we carry on?

On builds, post-ganymede, I'll be devolving the build responsibilities to sub project teams. It will be like a little Ganymatic, where these teams will submit features for an overall STP release heartbeat. This means less work for me and will enable more compliance on the ship dates. We'll be fully automatic, and won't have to suffer some of the manual process. All this work will be done in the open,
with a bugzilla, for review or scrutiny as required.

On the trust factor, I believe that increasing the quality and timeliness of my communications to this group will help immensely. I'm more than willing to take
guidance in this regard.

I'm sure STP can take part in Ganymede without mucking it up for everyone. The technical requirements are in place, there is a process there for making the build
and immediate feedback from the Ganymatic that can be responded to.

We have a 3 or 4 consumer organizations that are eagerly awaiting the release to use in their next product cycle and I know Ian has been receiving good numbers of press enquiries about STP during this release. It would be good for those organizations and for the press to have STP in there. It's close, I know, but I'm
sure STP can do it.

  best regards


p.s. My thanks to all from the community who have helped out in getting
the last technical elements sorted: Thomas, David, Nick, Martin, Ed.

IONA Technologies PLC (registered in Ireland)
Registered Number: 171387
Registered Address: The IONA Building, Shelbourne Road, Dublin 4, Ireland

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