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RE: [cross-project-issues-dev] Status of Callisto RC3



TPTP RC2 was tested with Callisto RC3 from other projects. We found one in our BIRT integration. This has been resolved in BIRT and I believe BIRT will update their RC3 to RC3a. We will retest with BIRT RC3a when it becomes available on Monday. See for details. TPTP can confirm for Callisto RC3 at that point.


We have not tried the common features that were created since Callisto RC2. We will give it a try on Monday.


Note that Monday is a holiday in Canada. TPTP is not fully staffed that as we have many committers in Canada. I believe this to be the case for many other projects J We will do our best, but expect some spillover into Tuesday.




From: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David M Williams
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 3:20 PM
To: Cross project issues
Subject: [cross-project-issues-dev] Status of Callisto RC3


I have not ran my copy and optimization commands, on the recent GMF updates yet, but otherwise, the staging site is "up and running".

I have yet to hear from TPTP and BIRT .. or did I miss something?

Accoring to the plan summary,

TPTP is not planning on updating anything this cycle? But .. I know for a fact some "commmon" features/plugins have been created for them, so, not sure that what is there
for their RC2 will still work as expected? (But, admit, have not tried).

If TPTP or BIRT submits anything, I'll "run my tools" again on Saturday, but, normally, Saturday or Sunday is a good time to starting the mirroring process, so if anyone intends to still contribute (or not),
please keep us all up to date with plans and status.

Thanks, all.

David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/19/2006 05:42 PM

Please respond to
Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>




Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] GMF 1.0 RC3 ready for Callisto RC3




batik you should add a property set with the featureId and version number. If its really coming from a different download site (different from GMF) then I guess a whole seperate feature-batik.xml file would be approperiate ... which, I'd assme, you would still be responsible for.
       <ant antfile="updateMirrorProject.xml">

           <property name="featureId"

                     value="org.eclipse.gmf.callisto"  />

           <property name="version"

                     value="1.0.0.v20060519-1300" />


Once that's there, I can update the master site.xml file so it shows up under "Enabling Features".


Max Feldman <max.feldman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/19/2006 04:54 PM

Please respond to
Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>






[cross-project-issues-dev] GMF 1.0 RC3 ready for Callisto RC3




Callisto tools feature-gmf.xml updated
Download link:
Update site link:

Note that GMF update site doesn't have Batik feature anymore (see Bug 142058).
The org.apache.batik feature for inclusion to Callisto's "Enabling Features" category can be downloaded from the Batik update site, although, not sure how to add it to the Callisto.. (David?)


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