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Re: [cn4j-alliance] MP apis and "graduation" to Jakarta EE

And what is the justification for requiring a namespace change?

On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 12:34 PM Rudy De Busscher <rdebusscher@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I do not see any solution other than a fork with a name change (how unfortunately it might be) possible. MicroProfile has decided that it will not maintain an LTS or other specific version for Jakarta or any other group.

A fork of, for example, MicroProfile Config to Jakarta Config, is the ONLY available option left in this case. And for those who do not want to change the package name, they still can use the MicroProfile Config names (and address potential breaking changes in the next release). Those who change to package names to the new Jakarta Config will have the long term stability of the API and spec.


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