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[chemclipse-dev] Question about AbstractVendorMassSpectrumProxy class

Hi all,

The class has one private boolean type field "isProxy" with true initial value. This value is changed to false as method checkProxyAndImportOnDemand() called. checkProxyAndImportOnDemand method does the import ions job and then set isProxy to false. Then isProxy stays false always and will never change to true again. That means I can't import ions again.

private void checkProxyAndImportOnDemand() {

if(isProxy) {
isProxy = false;

In my case, I firstly import ions and find the m/z values incorrect, so I make a m/z calibration on current mass spectrum. Here comes the problem, I can't reimport ions for current mass spectrum or any other spectra because isProxy is false. There is not a way to set isProxy to true in AbstractVendorMassSpectrumProxy class.

Best regards,


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