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Re: [che-dev] login system for che server

Hi Tyler,

I really appreciate the efforts that you're putting into eclipse che and code envy. After going through you explanation I have understood the complexity of the system and I'll wait for few quarters.   It would be really great if we are able to develop a system that people can use to develop applications using just a chrome book. 

For example, consider a website development. For writing a html. _javascript_, CSS it's not required to have a workspace. Just an editor and storage to save the files is enough.

I had created an empty project and added an html file. However when I ran the file it didn't open in the browser.

Also it'd would be great if there a built in project templates for quickly start developing chrome extensions. 


On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 7:40 PM, Tyler Jewell <tyler@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The Codenvy at is running the same workspaces that are within Eclipse Che. So if you can build / run workspaces within Eclipse Che it will work within Codenvy.

Whether you are using Che or Codenvy, each workspace is given a full allocation of a container.  So the resource consumption is tied to the number of concurrent workspaces that are running at the same time.  The older generation of Che - Eclipse Che 3.x, had a different model like you are suggesting.  In that model, the projects were stored externally, and build / run requests were run against a pool of docker containers just for the duration of that request execution.  Users could concurrently access the browser IDE and we could get 100s of concurrent users using the same VM.  You can, in fact, get the 3.x version and use it this way.

This architecture -- while very efficient with resources -- was very problematic:
1. Project files had to be mounted / copied into each builder / runner on every execution.  This takes time.  Developers - when they press "compile" do not want to wait the 3 seconds of overhead for it to start.
2. There were certain artifacts created within the builders / runners that were not part of the project, but developers needed them to be.  So there were problems on how to get the resources out.
3. All sorts of security problems.

So we have evolved to the current architecture where every workspace is fully isolated from others, each worksapce has its own IDE, and each workspace has a full project set where the developer can have full control over it.  And we deal with the runtime overhead up front.

We are working on a Project API that will allow people to configure Che to allow users to do read / write actions to some files without having a workspace running.  Only when a user initiates a command, such as build, would we start the workspace's runtimes. For large environments, this could offer some savings on resources by delaying when workspaces are started.  We hope to have something like this out in a few quarters.

But for your specific scenario, if you are looking for a login system, you can implement your own or use Codenvy's.  The workspaces are identical.  Then within Che & the workspace, you can implement mounting to have the various file systems map to an S3 bucket if you wanted.  The files that you need to worry about are the /workspaces, the /projects, and then within the container of each workspace, if there is protected data, you need to mount that too.

Tyler Jewell | CEO | tyler@​codenvy.​com | 9​78​.8​84​.53​55

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 9:29 PM, Arun Kumar <arunkumar413@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Tyler,

I tried code evny for an android app. But it couldn't load the workspace. I'd like to use the S3 buckets to store the project code files and call the android SDK only for building the code. It seems that the che server requires lot of computing resources for multi user login. 

 Instead of creating multiple VM instances. A better approach would be to use the login system only for the IDE and managing project files (an Amazon S3 bucket per user).  The sdks should be called only for compiling/ building the code. The building/compiling requests from multiple users should go into a queue management service for better utilization of the computing resources.

On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 8:59 AM, Tyler Jewell <tjewell@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Arun:

Thanks for using Che.  It is only through the contributions of the community that we are able to make it into a better product.

Che is a single user product.  We are considering a simple multi user auth system for later this year.  

Right now you can run Che as a Che farm with each user getting a separate VM or perhaps you can try Codenvy which offers a multi user multi tenant implementation of Che.

More details are at - 

There are also users that have shared their multi user configurations on the github repo in the issues backlog.


On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 8:05 PM -0700, "Arun Kumar" <arunkumar413@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Team,

I had installed the che server on an amazon EC2 instance. However I'd to make it available only for logged in users. For this I'd like use the google authentication/authorization. Could you please help me on how to connect the che server to the google authentication. Should I redirect the user to the EC2 instance IP after the user authenticates? or should I tweak the eclipse che files to integrate the login.


Arun Kumar

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