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Re: [cdt-dev] LSP based C/C++ Editor

+1, thank you Gesa.

We (COSEDA Technologies) are also interested in having a LSP based C++ editor and generally in the idea of moving CDT towards using the LSP (e.g. having an AST provided by the language server, which I think should be possible via a clangd LSP protocol extension).

Looking forward to working on this project.

Best regards,


On 2/21/23 16:23, Jonah Graham wrote:
Thank you Gesa.

Folks, this is the work that has been asked for for a long time and it is good to see a few companies step up. Other companies in our ecosystem are likely dependent on this and I hope to see more involvement.


Jonah Graham (he/him)
Kichwa Coders

On Tue, 21 Feb 2023 at 07:22, HENTSCHKE.Gesa via cdt-dev <cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Jonah Graham encouraged me to announce our new GitHub project at

We (Bachmann electronic, Renesas and Espressif Systems) are working on a project that implements a new Language Server Protocol based C/C++ Editor.

The idea is to move the content of that repo to Eclipse CDT later on.


If that sounds interesting to you, support is always appreciated.





Best regards  
Gesa Hentschke  
Software Engineer R&D

gesa.hentschke@xxxxxxxxxxxxx |  
Bachmann electronic GmbH, Am Friedrichsbrunnen 2, 24782 Büdelsdorf

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