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Re: [cdt-dev] Run-Menu too large (can't select Window)

There was an attempt a number of years ago to split the overfilled run menu - it ran into quite a lot of feedback. You can see Bug 513355 for all the details.

It was looking promising, but not sure current state/plans.

Here is what it looked like:

As for the menu overlapping the top-level menu, that is indeed an Eclipse Platform (UI or SWT) issue. 

Not sure CDT can help much here, but perhaps we could nest a bunch of CDT's contributions into a sub-menu? The issue is definitely worse if you have multiple languages enabled (e.g. JDT + CDT installed).



Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

On Fri, 13 May 2022 at 11:29, Moritz Strübe <moritz.struebe@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

it seems like the number of entries in the Run menu increased significantly. Unfortunately on my screen "Run"'s drop down covers the menu bar. I assume this is a Eclipse issue, but it will likely annoy a lot of cdt-users:

The top of the screenshot is the top o the screen. You can see the "Search" and the "Project" menu entry. "Run", "Window" and "Help" are hidden behind the drop down and can't be selected.


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