Thanks for documenting that. I have approved your edit, and future changes to wiki from you shouldn't be moderated now.
> Seems like new releases motivate me to continue working on Eclipse.
This is something I will keep in mind and increase the priority of doing post release work. You kindly came to the mailing list, but after a release may motivate others and they give up in frustration!
Sorry you ran into this. There is a window
after a release (which was on Wednesday) where some or all
of our dependent URLs get changed. Until someone starts the
dev process for the next release and fixes it up there is a
problem. If you normally rebase around a release, you are
much more likely likely to hit this window.
Someone needs to run through the checklist to
prepare the repo, the 10.6.0 one hasn't been created yet.
The 10.5.0 one at
should be copied into a new issue and updated. Each of my
milestone build announcements contains a link to this
checklist. Anyone is welcome to run through part/or all of
the list. I normally get around to it a week or so after a
For someone, who only sporadically works on CDT this is a
frustrating. Especially as as it took some random
switching between
targets, rebuilding and restarting Eclipse for things to
suddenly start
working again.
Would it be possible to run a nightly build to detect
those issues? Or
am I always rebasing shortly after the old packages are
deleted from the