We are trying to support CMake users. This has two parts:
1- Starting from a cmake file have the CDT indexer work and all related machinery work. Martin has been providing his expertise and code to the CDT project and has https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/cmake4eclipse which does this already.
Am Mi., 17. Juni 2020 um 09:31 Uhr schrieb Alexander
> Well, currently all these parts, such as the
"server" and "front-end", are managed from the IDE.
> For example if user adds the source file - it
needs to be added to json as well, and we need to
guess the commands for this new unit, and for this
we need to know how the surrounding units are
Just *creating* a source file does not *add* it to
the files that get
compiled. Cmake users must modify the CMakeLists.txt
file to have the
new file compiled:
Unless you use a file glob option *.cpp in
this case you don't need to modify it even if it's a
discouraged approach actually.
Sure that will work. But then users
will have to manually launch cmake every time they
add or delete a source file. [1].
Unless CDT modifies the user's
CMakeLists.txt and silently adds a CONFIGURE_DEPENDS. Well, the CONFIGURE_DEPENDS will
give them a build-performance degradation that
might be acceptable for hello-worlds. But not for
projects with 1k or more source files.
I do not
really understand this discussion.
Gnu managed
build makes (if necessary based on listeners) a makefile at
build start based on the project referenced files. As sloeber
uses name providers all files need to be found and added to
the makefile (collection of makefiles that is)
Sloeber uses
the same approach (based on indexer finished listener) to
process the .ino files before the build starts.
I don't see
how you can avoid something like this unless eclipse CDT is
reduced to a notepad++ (which is what platformio is doing and
what a eclipse Arduino CLI based implementation would do)
Gnu managed
build takes by default the project level compilation commands
and options but lets you override them (in the gui) on a
folder or file level basis. I think of it as: the server is
maintaining the data and the gui uses the server to set the
data (MVC approach).
Can someone
explain why the Cmake or LSP would deviate from this approach
so I can at least understand what this discussion is about?