Hello Gidi,
You may want to listen to the more specialised IContainerResumedDMEvent which has IContainerResumedDMEvent.getTriggeringContexts() if the thread is known. There is a similar one for suspended, IContainerSuspendedDMEvent which has a getTriggeringContexts, and even a subclass of it called IBreakpointHitDMEvent, which additionally has getBreakpoints. The latter can be passed to IBreakpoints.getBreakpointDMData() for more data (such as the line and file that was hit).
Although probably not needed at this point, to get the threads within a process use IGDBProcesses.getProcessesBeingDebugged() passing the container context. See my previous email on how to use it.
PS What is the context of these questions? As CDT is evolving effort is going into a
new debug implementation that is simpler and based on the
debug protocol. However the CDT community needs to know how extenders are actually using CDT in practice, so please let me know. Additionally I would like to know what is it that made this topic come up now. Is this a dormant project being restarted, or an active project that hasn't upgraded in a long time? The reason I ask is IBM was highly involved in CDT in the past, but the code you are referring to was deprecated years ago and finally
removed in June 2016. While there is no current plan to remove DSF, it will likely be deprecated once the new debug implementation is at approximate feature parity. Please keep us informed and join us so that your use cases can be considered part of feature parity.