CDT for Photon RC4 is now been posted.The CDT p2 repo is [*] and is based on commit 025742ca.
This build was done from the recently created
9.5 branch, using the
9.5 CI job. Please don't submit anything to the 9.5 branch until the release is done without checking on the list first as any changes now will require a respin.
The complete bundled C/C++ Package (the one that will be posted to will be ready this Friday/Saturday. Link to follow.* Note the "b", this is a due to what I mentioned earlier (Bug 535783) I have respun the standalone debugger. To keep the the versions exactly the same between standalone and what we release to simrel I have done an updated contribution for RC4. The commit CDT was built against has not changed compared to the earlier announcement.
We are now into the ramp down for the Photon Release.
This is our schedule for publishing CDT's contribution for Photon (The
EPP generally will be available on Friday of the same week):
Today - Photon RC4
Then we are in Quiet week(s) until the release on 27 June.
We should be done for CDT. Please test and report anything critical to the cdt-dev list.