> LSP4E is part of Photon now. So updating releng/org.eclipse.cdt.target/
cdt.target to include lsp4e is bets option IMHO. It would allow compiling the new bundles without issues.
> I've never edited a target definition file before so I also wanted to ask: are you supposed to edit them directly in their textual (XML) form, or using the Target Editor? I ask in part because in the Target Editor, in the Definition tab, the "Edit..." button is greyed out for each location, so it's not clear to me how I'm supposed to edit the entries in the Target Editor.
You can use either. I recommend the xml form though as the GUI editor can be frustrating. In Photon there is a new tab in the target editor that gives seamless access to the xml file using the new generic editor framework. The Edit... button is probably greyed out because the target is not fully resolved yet. When I first open the editor I can't press Edit right away either.
When editing/updating the .target file, please also make the equivalent edits to the Oomph CDT.setup file as there is another way of describing the target platform in there.