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Re: [cdt-dev] CDT 9.2.1/Neon.3 RC1 posted

> On 14 Feb 2017, at 13:21, Marc Khouzam <marc.khouzam@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ... The CDT 9.2.1 RC1 build is now posted:

on macOS 10.12:

- unpack eclipse-cpp-neon-2-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz
- install new software from the above link (all Main & Optional features)

small problem: in the Review Licenses, in addition to Eclipse ... License, there is a second line "license", for C/C++ CMake Build Support - Experimental probably a new plug-in, licence needs to be update.

- install (20170129)

- create a c++ project using the stm32f4 template

problem: creating projects via the old route (new C++ Project) is ok; creating projects using the new C/C++ Project wizard creates incomplete projects, attempts to build the generated projects fail since the macros used in the project are not substituted

for example a build log looks like:

09:36:21 **** Incremental Build of configuration Debug for project f4b2 ****

09:36:21 Build Finished (took 89ms)

because `make` is defined as `${cross_make}`, and this build variable is empty.

probably the new wizard missed to call some extra steps, that the old wizard did.

- run a debug session with gdb 7.10 and qemu; breakpoints, suspend, terminate seem ok

- run a debug session with gdb 7.10 and j-link; breakpoints, suspend, terminate seem ok

(no gdb 7.12, since it crashes on macOS)

on Ubuntu 16LTS (VM under Parallels 12):

- install eclipse-cpp-neon-2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz

- install new software from the above link (all Main & Optional features)

- install (20170129)

- create a c++ project using the old C++ Project wizard, the stm32f4 template; build ok

- run a debug session with gdb 7.12 and qemu; breakpoints, suspend, terminate seem ok

- run a debug session with gdb 7.12 and j-link; breakpoints, suspend, terminate seem ok

- create a c++ project using the new C/C++ Project wizard, the stm32f4 template; same problem, the project macros are empty, build is not possible

on Windows... only if really needed...


so, the debugging plug-ins seem functional with gdb 7.12.

the only serious problem detected is in the new project wizard, that leaves the projects in an incomplete state, with the macros defined as empty, so the build cannot proceed. this problem might be here from earlier versions, I did not test the new wizard before.

as a general aesthetics remark, the default Eclipse CDT look starts to resemble Arduino, which, in my opinion, is not necessarily a good thing.



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